The night obozo was elected, I said the lib media would go out of the news business.

They endlessly made sure they got the name "Bush" into any report about reverses in the wars in news reports when he was in office. Now, they rarely bring up obozo, as if the wars were something someone else is responsible for. Their endless hunger for investigative reporting on the executive branch under Bush quickly went to zero under obozo. They're born-again editorial concern about the huge deficits under Bush - vanished under obozo although he's made them much worse.
Remember the gigantic crowds of howling, screaming leftwingers protesting the wars under Bush? Where are the crowds now?
It's just ..............quiet..............
Whatever happened to the "Code Pinkos"?
Whatever happened to the anti-war protests on the left coast and in D.C.?
Whatever happened to Cindy Sheehan?
Whatever happened to the General David "Betray Us" Crowd?
Where are all of the anti-war Hollywood idiots?
Whatever happened to the endless parade of "war experts" who claimed that the Iraq War could not be won, American lives were being wasted, we needed to get out of Iraq now, blah, blah, blah?
The answer to all of these questions is very simple. It was all about POLITICS.
It has now been proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that NONE of these people gave a hoot about the military personnel and their families, as they claimed they did.
All they ever cared about was the fact that it was a Republican President who presided over the liberations of Iraq and Afghanistan, and it was a Republican President who presided over the healing of this country after 9/11, and everything and anything had to be said and done to discredit the Bush administration.
Like all leftists, these phoney "protesters" are nowhere to be found, now that their boy, Barack Hussein Obama, is the President. They're all about killing the "bad guys", and they could care less how many American soldiers come back in body bags.
HYPOCRITES and LIARS. Every damn one of them.