Does God want us to judge him?

Gnostic Christian Bishop

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
Does God want us to judge him?

I think that God wants us to judge him. We are to emulate Jesus. Jesus judged God and found him wanting.

Upon taking the judgement seat, Jesus indicated that it was time to retire Yahweh. Jesus saw Yahweh as no longer fit to rule over or judge man. Man had in essence graduated to his rightful place as the judge of all the Gods.

Christians, who are told by their own scriptures to judge righteously, are not doing so when it comes to Yahweh.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.

Yahweh is quite a vile God. It is no wonder that Yahweh does not show his face around Christians. They would kill him. Jesus did say that he came to bring War. Perhaps he meant war against God, which would be following Jewish tradition.

If God wants us to judge him, why do most Christians not judge God in a righteous and moral manner?

Place no God above me, means that God wants us to judge all the Gods, including himself, to insure he is the best of the best. How else could we know that Yahweh was the best God to follow?

Do you agree, or are we not supposed to judge God?


Well, it's not a sin or thought crime to question God - in fact, God wants it! Anyway, to truly question him would put traditional Christianity in peril - mainly because it (traditional Christianity) shows God to be a phony - not true to his own nature.
Well, it's not a sin or thought crime to question God - in fact, God wants it! Anyway, to truly question him would put traditional Christianity in peril - mainly because it (traditional Christianity) shows God to be a phony - not true to his own nature.


Christians see Yahweh as good, even as he uses genocide and tortures babies to death as he did for 6 days with King David's baby.

Have you seen this well done presentation? If you watch the whole movie, the ending will enlighten you of the deep tribal nature of religions, which are basically created to appease our tribal natures and need for fellowship.

Your ability to cherry pick verses to suit your silly arguments is quite good.

The Bible says the only ones we will judge are the angels implying but not meaning we will have higher status then they do in Heaven.

It also implies that we will not become angels but will keep our human forms.

You cannot judge God because you cannot comprehend God.

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