It seems that the hate in Amercia is growing by leaps and bounds.
When we had a short gas shortage there were people fighting at the pumps!
Do you think that if attacked by another country we could manage to stop fighting with each other and defend ourselves?
The short answer is yes.... and no.
Hate is typically a "by-product" emotion, if you will. It stems from ignorance, fear, unfounded bias or downright evil (stated simply). So while hate is an identifiable emotion defined within a set parameter of actions, the source of hatred is another thing. The hate can be confronted, but essentially cannot be eliminated without identifying the cause.
Most of the hate we see in evidence around us in America today is based on
the first three; ignorance, fear and unfounded bias. Unfortunately, we have a MSM who is not doing it's job of carrying truth to the American public in the news they report. By their partisan influence they distort and/or omit full and true reports. This leaves the American public with a likewise distorted picture of events.
If you are looking for peace and unity as your objective (healing), that will never happen. It is simply not human nature, and contrary to the myriad of cultures, beliefs and objectives that in part make up this country. Some of our greatest strengths can be, unfortunately, our greatest weaknesses.
What we can hope to achieve, and will hopefully be willing to work hard for, is to gain a higher level of true respect for those who we see as different. We can achieve a higher level of honesty and accountability in our Federal government.
Loving America, patriotism, is not the problem. The problem is that there is a huge divide in
how we see America. There are those who see America as the greatest country in the world, who has done more good and is more generous than any other nation; those who see it as an exceptional, blessed place to live and limitless potential. There are those who see it as imperialistic, flawed, and a arrogant member of the global community. I happen to be of the first, who see America as great, even with our problems, and a force for good in the world.
We have the boldest governing philosophy in history, and the greatest strengths and protections from our founding documents. We do not need a second Bill of Rights. We do not need to have our Constitution re-invisioned, reinterpreted, or rewritten. We do not need our history books rewritten to meet the guidelines of political correctness.
What we do need is a better informed electorate. We need to have a respect for the core principals we function on. We need to have a MSM that is rededicated to the journalistic principals of honest objectivity in their reporting, and turn from their "we can change the world" mindset.
And attacked by another country, such as another 9/11? I honestly don't know. The distrust on each side has been fueled by the MSM into an unprecedented class warfare and class class envy. The structure necessary for the public to come together for a common cause is seriously damaged, and it will depend on what happens in the next few months whether any progress will be made to the required repairs.