Doctors against (proposed/Obama) health insurance reform


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2007
Further North than I'd like
Uh-oh! Looks like yet another group is ramping up to fight the proposed bus wreck for health care. Doctors March...

Gee, I wonder what insulting and dismissive attitudes these will receive from the Baucus-Obama-con and company? Will PBO's door stay open to doctors, or will he slam it in their face now that some of them are proving committed enough to put their lives and livelihood on hold to travel to DC to voice their opposition? Will they be viewed as yet another angry mob? Or will the MSM simply sweep this under the rug, out of sight and unknown to most Americans?
Well I hear (from obama) doctors just give you surgery to make $$ and dont even care if its not what you really needed. They even do it to little kids!

So the attack on doctors has already started by the dear leader himself
Don't forget about the fight the govt will have with the states regarding the insurance mandate.

right now 12 states have started legislation to challenge the fed govt's right to impose an insurance mandate.

FL is one of them, and I'm glad.

The fed govt only has the rights the state(s) relinquish to it.