Castle wants to withdraw from NATO.
Admit your error and acknowledge you are only pretending to be a conservative to help out your beloved Queen Hillary.
You are always screaming about how much you hate right-wingers. Then you support a very extreme conservative. Tell us why.
Ahhhh, still sucking at the "straw" of a Trump supporter.
The exact comment according to your post was:
"Secure the borders/Control immigration.
Withdraw from the United Nations, NATO, TPP, Nafta, Cafta, Gatt, WTO, etc.
End the Federal Reserve and return monetary policy to Congress where the Constitution places it."
None of which I disagree with, and I should thank you for posting such an article since none of the MSM has done so.
Now, why would I agree. Simply because that is the position the Founding Fathers had 200+ years ago. They warned against being involved in foreign matters. They argued for INDEPENDENCE, not dependency. As to trade, they argued against globalization, and trade should be between the different businesses without government support with taxpayer dollars. Take notice that until the signing of all these trade "agreements" very few corporations moved out of country, wages increased as production grew, and the economy grew.
And right wingers, and real conservatives, have always opposed the Federal Reserve, and its unConstitutional powers.