Well-Known Member
Thanks. I'll check it out.
I'm not paranoid, thank you. Thanks for the site.
As a long time sci fi fan, I find the possibilities of alternate dimensions fascinating...unfortunately I lack the mathmatical sense to fully understand it.
Thanks rObeph - I'll check it out!
Fonz, it may be pretty much a certainty to you but why no concrete proof?
The more we investigate into the rules of the universes, the rarer life seems to become. The specific conditions present on earth are highly specialized to support the maximum variety of life. The gravity is ideal. The magnetic field deflects UV light which is fatal to life in sufficient quantities. The mix of sea area to dry land has been demonstrated to be ideal. The distance from the sun and sun's output are ideal. The axis tilt and rotation create day/night and seasons. The atmosphere is a perfect mix and just the right thickness and density.
I could go on an name at least 50 other conditions that our earth provides that are ideal for life.
I don't think there is any level of certainty that life exists outside earth.
Arrogant? I don't think so because our conditions are too ideal to be present elsewhere.
Do you believe that there are aliens who are more advanced than us?
Or do you not even believe in aliens at all?
Read some history. The Sumerian's were the first world culture to establish religion. All other religions evolved from theirs, they worshiped aliens. If you believe in god, you have to believe in aliens.
Not necessarily the other way around though.
Read some history. The Sumerian's were the first world culture to establish religion. All other religions evolved from theirs, they worshiped aliens. If you believe in god, you have to believe in aliens.
Not necessarily the other way around though.