Die GOP...DIE!!!

The GOP has NO values. They stand for nothing. They refuse to go to the mat on any issue, unlike the Ds. The Ds will fight to the death to keep baby murder legal, tax increases, to prevent reductions in government spending or the welfare state, etc..... They stand for something. The Rs will always compromise with the collectivists (Ds) thereby continuing to grow government and take more of our liberties.

The Rs did little about Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Wall Street bailouts, green energy schemes, etc.....and they now will compromise on immigration and gun control.

Time to die GOP.

The Democratic party Stands for
Gay Marriage
Public Education
Illegal Immigration
Criminals walk free
Anti Death Penalty= Murderers live in prison
Anti Guns
Protecting the planet
Anti christianity but pro Islam
Spending on Bullshit
And Socialism
I can't agree more...the GOP should die for multiple reasons...pushing legalization of illegals is just one of many...

Ann is right again...

Ann Coulter has certainly been one of the most vocal opponents of the so-called “Gang of Eight” immigration bill. In fact, in her latest column on the subject, she proclaimed “if the GOP is this stupid, it deserves to die.
Appearing on Fox News Wednesday, she continued her campaign against the immigration bill, which she claims will include amnesty first and border enforcement after. She also called Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) “the Jack Kevorkian of the Republican party” for his role in advancing the proposed legislation.
She even called told Sean Hannity he was “like a liberal making a silly argument” after he asked her what she would do with the 11 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States.
Coulter said it was a “total frog and a fig leaf” that Americans “can’t sleep at night” because of the immigration crisis.
It was after Hannity accused Coulter of not answering his question that the fiery conservative pundit grew frustrated.
“You’re not answering my question. You’re like a liberal,” he joked.
“To the contrary, you are like a liberal making a silly argument! It’s a straw man argument! Nobody cares! This idea that it’s an emergency, it’s a crisis, it’s preposterous,” she shot back.
Coulter went on to say that the immigration bill would be a “disaster for the Republican party” and the entire country “will become California.”
“…We will never win another national election, thank you Marco Rubio,” she concluded.

We basically have a two party system and both have wide swings in the values of their members. I don't know how your going to get what you want without compromise. Some countries have several political parties, but the danger there is someone getting elected who doesn't even garner more than 30% of the vote.

I don't think I would like that.
We basically have a two party system and both have wide swings in the values of their members. I don't know how your going to get what you want without compromise. Some countries have several political parties, but the danger there is someone getting elected who doesn't even garner more than 30% of the vote.

I don't think I would like that.

I do not think we have a two party system. We have a one party system. That one party is the party of the State. Both Ds and Rs work to protect the State over the citizen.

I am more than willing to compromise, but there is no compromise being offered.
We have the system we asked for by rewarding vote buying. And only us ceasing to reward them or a collapse which dries the cash ciw udder up will change things. and the first aint going to happen on its own.
Something I've noticed over the last 25 years or so is that local and precinct level participation has dropped off markedly among all parties. Now we have a much more Top-Down approach which gives the national guys an inordinate amount of power.

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