Did you know this about the People who call themselves Palestinian

No, you did not say how the British ended up controlling the land they gave to Israel.
Well, I did. The British, with the help of T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) defeated the Turks and the Ottoman Empire collapsed. Turkey became independent. The British and the French divvied up the Ottoman Empire: the French took Lebanon and Syria, the British took Iraq, Kuwait, Palestine and Jordan and awarded Jordan to the Hashemite King Faisal who had been Lawrence's ally, and who had been defeated by Ibn Al Saud.

A British Prime Minister named Lord Balfour said that the Jews deserved a homeland in part of Palestine, and the UN divided Palestine between the Palestinians and the Jews, and the Brits left. The Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis and Jordanians all told the Palestinians to evacuate so they could get rid of the Jews, but the Jews were far better organized and armed , and they defeated the five Arab nations. The Palestinians who had evacuated asked for their land back and the Israelis refused. Some of the Palestinians (that the Israelis call "Arab Israelis") did not evacuate and became citizens of Israel, but some of them were driven out of their homes by the Israelis.

Subsequent wars were fought and Israel gained more territory.
Well, I did. The British, with the help of T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) defeated the Turks and the Ottoman Empire collapsed. Turkey became independent. The British and the French divvied up the Ottoman Empire: the French took Lebanon and Syria, the British took Iraq, Kuwait, Palestine and Jordan and awarded Jordan to the Hashemite King Faisal who had been Lawrence's ally, and who had been defeated by Ibn Al Saud.

A British Prime Minister named Lord Balfour said that the Jews deserved a homeland in part of Palestine, and the UN divided Palestine between the Palestinians and the Jews, and the Brits left. The Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis and Jordanians all told the Palestinians to evacuate so they could get rid of the Jews, but the Jews were far better organized and armed , and they defeated the five Arab nations. The Palestinians who had evacuated asked for their land back and the Israelis refused. Some of the Palestinians (that the Israelis call "Arab Israelis") did not evacuate and became citizens of Israel, but some of them were driven out of their homes by the Israelis.

Subsequent wars were fought and Israel gained more territory.
So, the Palestinians never actually owned and controlled the land but tried to seize possession and control of the property in the ensuing wars after Britain pulled out. You claim the mean old Jews ran out the Palestinians when it was in reality 20 different Arab nations that failed to expel the Jews and the gang of nations dumped their losses on those Arabs calling themselves Palestinians.
So, the Palestinians never actually owned and controlled the land but tried to seize possession and control of the property in the ensuing wars after Britain pulled out. You claim the mean old Jews ran out the Palestinians when it was in reality 20 different Arab nations that failed to expel the Jews and the gang of nations dumped their losses on those Arabs calling themselves Palestinians.
Sure they did. Palestinians descended from the original owners, the Canaanites, whose land was stolen by the jewslunless the Bible is a lie lol
So, the Palestinians never actually owned and controlled the land but tried to seize possession and control of the property in the ensuing wars after Britain pulled out. You claim the mean old Jews ran out the Palestinians when it was in reality 20 different Arab nations that failed to expel the Jews and the gang of nations dumped their losses on those Arabs calling themselves Palestinians.
Can't you count? There were FIVE Arab nations that sent troops into Palestine: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq. They were corrupt and incompetent and unable to defeat the Jews, who were better armed and more desperate than the mostly illiterate peasants that Arab nations drafted into their armies.

The UN division of Palestine into two nations is the only legal arrangement. The Arab nations had no right to invade, the Jews had no right to attack anyone outside of the area designated as Israel.

Anyone who residing in Palestine can call themselves Palestinian, just as anyone residing in Texas can call themselves a Texan.

Personal ownership of land is not the same thing as national sovereignty. You have a right to do what you wish with land you own, but you do not have the right to claim it is the independent nation of Markfrancia, for example.

It is true that the leadership of Palestinians has been grossly incompetent. They have rarely failed to make bad choices. But they have a legal right to their own country.
Sure they did. Palestinians descended from the original owners, the Canaanites, whose land was stolen by the jewslunless the Bible is a lie lol
The corrupt Canaanites were removed by God for corruption similar to modern US Democrats. They should not have stolen the land from God.
Can't you count? There were FIVE Arab nations that sent troops into Palestine: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq. They were corrupt and incompetent and unable to defeat the Jews, who were better armed and more desperate than the mostly illiterate peasants that Arab nations drafted into their armies.

The UN division of Palestine into two nations is the only legal arrangement. The Arab nations had no right to invade, the Jews had no right to attack anyone outside of the area designated as Israel.

Anyone who residing in Palestine can call themselves Palestinian, just as anyone residing in Texas can call themselves a Texan.

Personal ownership of land is not the same thing as national sovereignty. You have a right to do what you wish with land you own, but you do not have the right to claim it is the independent nation of Markfrancia, for example.

It is true that the leadership of Palestinians has been grossly incompetent. They have rarely failed to make bad choices. But they have a legal right to their own country.
In spite of human disapproval of invasion and war the world still recognizes regime changes and property ownership changes. Thugs took control of Russia, of China, of Iran, of Germany, of Cuba and so forth. America bought properties claimed by foreign nations. Jews bought property from the Turks and Arabs. Colonies were given sovereignty over their own properties by the withdrawing colonial powers. Arabs should not have invaded Israel if they did not want Israel fighting back and seizing properties, they had been using to senselessly bomb Israeli communities, as in the confiscation of the Golan Heights from Lebanese terrorists.