It doesn't matter because Trump's didn't matter.
At least Biden made mistakes where as Trump did nothing in 4 years.
Trump's real or false allegations ALL came to light when he ran in 2016 and we elected him despite knowing everything.
On the other hand, Biden tried to deceptively pose as a nice, decent, competent average every day, lunch bucket "Joe."
But Joe Biden is none of those things.
The problem with this aspect of Biden's candidacy is that we didn't know anything about Joe's dirt.
When we elected Trump, in effect, we pardoned him for ALL of his pre POTUS allegations.
Whereas, Joe is still denying EVERYTHING.
And we see lots of evidence to support the belief that Biden is the absolute worst POTUS in history.
And Joe Biden has no respect for the office he held when he committed these offenses.
Joe Biden doesnt respect the American people or the Country if he sexually assaults defenseless, trusting women.
And all of Joe's alleged sexual assaults would have been committed by SENATOR Biden or VICE PRESIDENT Biden.
Things are much more honest with Trump.