This was shocking to see in such crazed detail my friends.
By now we all know Dick Cheney is a kill 'em all let God sort them out sort of mental midget but oh how shocking it was to watch him on the Sunday talk shows this weekend pleading... PLEADING... bring back TORTURE!
I'm not kidding. He really didn't even tap dance around it that much. He pleaded to have waterboarding and other TORTURES reinstated! He spoke of the United States Army Field Manual as if it were trash and should be completely disregarded.
He couldn't win on any facts as Vice President Biden so correctly pointed out. Dick... you read Richard Read the shoe bomber his rights. Dick... the Bush administration sent terrorists to civilian court and they were sentenced and in prison today, two that went before military courts were released only to fight against US soldiers yet again. Dick... the Obama administration has killed more top Al-Qaeda leaders in a year than the previous administration did in all it's time in office. Dick... the Obama administration has put 30,000 more American troops into Afghanistan to go after the heart of the insurgency. Seriously I don't know where Dick has been. He's either misinformed or just misinforming.
And then when the final plea for Dick Cheney's blood lust for TORTURE came out one last time Vice President Biden responded... I don't know what's wrong with Dick thank God at the end the previous administration quit listening to him.
Folks Left, Right or in the Middle Dick Cheney is a seriously bad person. He is almost a carbon copy of the German philosophy, Anything no matter how heinous to protect the Motherland. All conscience has been removed in this man. I'm utterly ashamed & embarrassed that this is a former Vice President of the United States of America.
Here's the bottom line my friends... you don't have to become a terrorist to defeat a terrorist. Dick Cheney has lost his bearings on this fact. And we all know how far he wanted his insanity to go.
Never again... never ever again.
America from time to time may have some low points with some cruel and misguided leaders but it always rights itself once the public sees first hand true barbaric intentions.
By now we all know Dick Cheney is a kill 'em all let God sort them out sort of mental midget but oh how shocking it was to watch him on the Sunday talk shows this weekend pleading... PLEADING... bring back TORTURE!
I'm not kidding. He really didn't even tap dance around it that much. He pleaded to have waterboarding and other TORTURES reinstated! He spoke of the United States Army Field Manual as if it were trash and should be completely disregarded.
He couldn't win on any facts as Vice President Biden so correctly pointed out. Dick... you read Richard Read the shoe bomber his rights. Dick... the Bush administration sent terrorists to civilian court and they were sentenced and in prison today, two that went before military courts were released only to fight against US soldiers yet again. Dick... the Obama administration has killed more top Al-Qaeda leaders in a year than the previous administration did in all it's time in office. Dick... the Obama administration has put 30,000 more American troops into Afghanistan to go after the heart of the insurgency. Seriously I don't know where Dick has been. He's either misinformed or just misinforming.
And then when the final plea for Dick Cheney's blood lust for TORTURE came out one last time Vice President Biden responded... I don't know what's wrong with Dick thank God at the end the previous administration quit listening to him.
Folks Left, Right or in the Middle Dick Cheney is a seriously bad person. He is almost a carbon copy of the German philosophy, Anything no matter how heinous to protect the Motherland. All conscience has been removed in this man. I'm utterly ashamed & embarrassed that this is a former Vice President of the United States of America.
Here's the bottom line my friends... you don't have to become a terrorist to defeat a terrorist. Dick Cheney has lost his bearings on this fact. And we all know how far he wanted his insanity to go.
Never again... never ever again.

America from time to time may have some low points with some cruel and misguided leaders but it always rights itself once the public sees first hand true barbaric intentions.