Detroit files for bankruptcy

If government incompetence and corruption were the sole cause, then the USA would have been bankrupt years ago.

I never stated it was the sole cause, but it is the primary cause.

And yes, the USA government, due to its incompetence and corruption, has bankrupted the nation.
There is no question Detroit's failure is directly related to democrat control.

The democrats, the unions, and their corrupt liberal policies have been in control of Detroit since January of 1962.

Can't blame this one on Bush!

Detroit is a clear example of what liberal policies do.

What do all the cities/ municipalities listed below who have filed bankruptcy since 2010 have in common?

That's right .... democrat controlled, liberal government policies!

Liberalism = FAIL ... in economics, Liberties, and morals!

-- City of Detroit
-- City of San Bernardino, Calif.
-- Town of Mammoth Lakes, Calf. (Dismissed)
-- City of Stockton, Calif.
-- Jefferson County, Ala.
-- City of Harrisburg, Pa. (Dismissed)
-- City of Central Falls, R.I.
-- Boise County, Idaho (Dismissed)
I had to chuckle when I heard the judge turned the bamkruptcy request down as it disrespected Obama. Nevermind any actual legal aspects... but it should be blocked as it really is just a ploy to escape the consequences of corruption, ftaud and malfesence.
This shows the outcome of decades of Marxist financial planning. First you get 'economic leveling off' due to business either leaving for greener pastures and or a tax system that is truly burdensome to the remaining economic population, then you get financial and economic destitution with the eventual outcome of complete financial and economic ruin.
There will be more of these situations in the future as our country dies a slow socialistic death.
If Detroit leaders were really Marxist, they would have taken over all private assets and used them over to pay the debts. This is a Capitalist plot to avoid paying debts and starting again

I got a good GOP campaign for Detroit.
Obama saved the Auto industry by giving them a bailouts

But he wont bailout the folks who voted for him

Can you take 4 more years of senator Debbie Stabenow?