Despicable leftist institutionalized racism in schools

Name Democrats endorsing violence, lying *****
Not endorsement protests which is different
Rep. Ayanna Pressley

Pressley's statements about last summer's BLM protests were similarly taken out of context.

"There needs to be unrest in the streets," Pressley said, according to the claim.

The quote, grabbed from Pressley's Aug. 15 interview on MSNBC's "AM Joy," is incomplete. A clip with her full remarks was posted to
Rep. Ayanna Pressley

Pressley's statements about last summer's BLM protests were similarly taken out of context.

"There needs to be unrest in the streets," Pressley said, according to the claim.

The quote, grabbed from Pressley's Aug. 15 interview on MSNBC's "AM Joy," is incomplete. A clip with her full remarks was posted to
unrest? that sounds like protests, not violence.

so that's all you got? lol
They were not innocent yet they were given minimal sentences compared to the cruel and unusual sentences handed down to opponents of the democrat party for minor infractions.

Amid demonstrations, liberal elites praise violence as protest tool ( 6-5-20

Some call them protesters. Others call them rioters. But to America’s enlightened elites, there’s only one word that will do:


And like Batman, The Dark Knight, they are the “heroes” American liberals deserve.

There’s an astonishing story in the Boston Globe-Democrat — it’s hard to imagine it appearing anywhere else — in which Newbury Street shop owners hit by looters and vandals Sunday night still stand by the protest “heroes.” These stores were ransacked, and not for survival gear or basic foodstuffs, but sneakers, coats and luxury goods.
There a no real democrats elites. It's a name republicans label them when they can wield power like republicans can. You never call republicans elite.

Does this sound like your average Democrat?

In political and sociological theory, the elite (French: élite, from Latin: eligere, to select or to sort out) are a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, or skill in a group. Defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, the "elite" are "the richest, most powerful, best-educated, or best-trained group in a society."
so that' person. not even a politician. person. lol. out of 350,000,000.

god you really are pathetic. lol
Reaction to Maxine Water's threat of violence if Chauvin is not found guilty of murdering Floyd, similar demands made by blacks if cops who arrested Rodney King were not found guilty and sent to prison. In other words, if O.J. is found guilty, or if Chauvin is found innocent we are going to burn this m+++++f++ing city to the ground.

Reaction to Waters’ Remarks

Two days later, Chauvin’s defense attorney, Eric Nelson, asked for a mistrial based on Waters’ comments.

Waters, he said, “was making what I interpreted to be and what I think are reasonably interpreted to be, threats against the sanctity of the jury process, threatening and intimidating a jury, demanding that if there’s not a guilty verdict that there would be further problems.”

Given that the jury, to that point, had not been sequestered, Nelson argued there was a high probability that jurors had seen her comments and that it might prejudice their verdict.

Judge Peter Cahill denied the motion to dismiss the trial though he said, “I’ll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.”

Numerous Republicans also denounced Waters’ remarks and claimed they were a call to violence.

“This weekend in Minnesota, Maxine Waters broke the law by violating curfew and then incited violence,” House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy stated via Twitter on April 19.

McCarthy vowed that he would introduce a resolution to censure Waters “for these dangerous comments.” McCarthy’s resolution was tabled in 216-210 vote on April 20.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia filed a resolution seeking to expel Waters from Congress, “for inciting violence and engaging in rioting and protest against citizens and officers of the United States, including President Donald J. Trump.”

Responding to a question on Fox Business on April 19 about Waters’ comments, Rep. Madison Cawthorn castigated, “political leaders who are so divided to where they are literally encouraging people to go out and cause more violence, burn down more buildings.”

Cawthorn said he supported calls for Waters’ expulsion from the House, saying that the video showed “a Democratic congresswoman literally calling for violence.”

Sen. Ted Cruz tweeted a link to a video of Waters’ comments, and wrote, “Democrats actively encouraging riots & violence.”
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Reaction to Maxine Water's threat of violence if Chauvin is not found guilty of murdering Floyd, similar demands made by blacks if cops who arrested Rodney King were not found guilty and sent to prison. In other words, if O.J. is found guilty, or if Chauvin is found innocent we are going to burn this m+++++f++ing city to the ground.

Reaction to Waters’ Remarks

Two days later, Chauvin’s defense attorney, Eric Nelson, asked for a mistrial based on Waters’ comments.

Waters, he said, “was making what I interpreted to be and what I think are reasonably interpreted to be, threats against the sanctity of the jury process, threatening and intimidating a jury, demanding that if there’s not a guilty verdict that there would be further problems.”

Given that the jury, to that point, had not been sequestered, Nelson argued there was a high probability that jurors had seen her comments and that it might prejudice their verdict.

Judge Peter Cahill denied the motion to dismiss the trial though he said, “I’ll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.”

Numerous Republicans also denounced Waters’ remarks and claimed they were a call to violence.

“This weekend in Minnesota, Maxine Waters broke the law by violating curfew and then incited violence,” House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy stated via Twitter on April 19.

McCarthy vowed that he would introduce a resolution to censure Waters “for these dangerous comments.” McCarthy’s resolution was tabled in 216-210 vote on April 20.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia filed a resolution seeking to expel Waters from Congress, “for inciting violence and engaging in rioting and protest against citizens and officers of the United States, including President Donald J. Trump.”

Responding to a question on Fox Business on April 19 about Waters’ comments, Rep. Madison Cawthorn castigated, “political leaders who are so divided to where they are literally encouraging people to go out and cause more violence, burn down more buildings.”

Cawthorn said he supported calls for Waters’ expulsion from the House, saying that the video showed “a Democratic congresswoman literally calling for violence.”

Sen. Ted Cruz tweeted a link to a video of Waters’ comments, and wrote, “Democrats actively encouraging riots & violence.”
"further problems"? lol.
sounds like protests,not violence, to me.
care to fail again?
You are a *****, and I am right
Armed Black Panther and BLM killers are not an insignificant threat, but leftist media twisters will report dozens of BLM marchers killed in riots for whatever reason while rarely if ever reporting the innocent Americans murdered by BLM activists incited by BLM hatred of their fellow Americans..
Armed Black Panther and BLM killers are not an insignificant threat, but leftist media twisters will report dozens of BLM marchers killed in riots for whatever reason while rarely if ever reporting the innocent Americans murdered by BLM activists incited by BLM hatred of their fellow Americans..
black panthers? lol. is your calendar stuck in the 1970s? how many deaths from "black panther killers" can you cite in the past 10 years? hahahahha

and blm killers? again, how many deaths from them? I do see several BLM members murdered by people.

so name all these killers of this "not insignificant threat" duh