Dems Raise Taxes; Republicans Lower Them

No they are not. In fact, they are seeking advice from constitution lawyers regarding getting rid of the mongrel.

I don't care if you think his impeachments were unjust. I'm concerned joyously that it was done.

So you sanctamonious godbotherers think you're the only ones capable of making correct decisions and not despising USA. What a load of bollocks.

Pray to God like you did last time and see if he'll perform. There are far too many people believe there's a god and there simply is not.
Not everyone in America went along with the unjust partisan impeachment of President Trump.


House GOP introduces resolutions to expunge Trump impeachment votes​

by Cami Mondeaux, Congressional Reporter |
June 22, 2023 06:25 PM
Nope I never think of her
You morons obsess about her lol
Hillary and Hitler are similar in evil ways and they both remain a part of ongoing discussions. If we ignore history, we will likely find ourselves making some of the same mistakes bad people made that we should have learned to avoid.
Not everyone in America went along with the unjust partisan impeachment of President Trump.


House GOP introduces resolutions to expunge Trump impeachment votes​

by Cami Mondeaux, Congressional Reporter |
June 22, 2023 06:25 PM

Bad or criminal acts by bad or criminal actors can lead to public acknowledgment that the bad political acts of bad politicians were wrong.

and if you think the house republicans pandering to trump are going to change the mind of the public, you're even dumber than I thought. lol
Not everyone in America went along with the unjust partisan impeachment of President Trump.


House GOP introduces resolutions to expunge Trump impeachment votes​

by Cami Mondeaux, Congressional Reporter |
June 22, 2023 06:25 PM
I don't care what the GOP thought. They don't mind breaking the law.

But the fact remains he was impeached twice and I hope it gets up your nose forever.
Not everyone in America went along with the unjust partisan impeachment of President Trump.


House GOP introduces resolutions to expunge Trump impeachment votes​

by Cami Mondeaux, Congressional Reporter |
June 22, 2023 06:25 PMS
The revelation of trumps meeting discussing the classified documents is the smoking gun. When he is convicted of these charges it will virtually seal his fate and everything you've said is nothing but a steaming pile of BS.
You will eventually wake to being conned by the idiot but since you believe in some god, it will take a while.

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