"A wall slows illegals and dopers down daaaaaaa"
of course you have no proof of any effect on drug smuggling and the wall. you think large quantities are being carried by people through the desert, and not, oh, on large trucks on roads? maybe you are that stupid. lol
Stupid hey thats what you think hey. No not at all . Drugs come across the boarder every day carried by hand especially from the smaller cartels and private operators . They come in by plane car truck and boat also.
What a wall will do is make that much harder and funnel the drugs to the main entry points making it easier to find. Open boarders are no deterrent . By making it harder to transport small loads it makes it easier to find large loads being transported by normal transplantation routes. Its similar to the butt funnel concept. No it will not stop it but it will create a deterrent and make it more difficult . It will also hinder illegals and terrorist who are a problem .
You see drug smuggling is a a multi faceted problem . In order to deal with it effectively you need to address each side of the facet one at a time . You put up barriers increase boarder inspections and go after the head of the snakes so to speak . No one action will change things significantly , i will tke a combination of actions .
Perhaps you should read The art of war by sun tzu and enlighten your self.
A war is often won by not one main fight bu by winning many battles .
This includes more enforcement at points of entry blocking the less used routes eradication programs of drug crops , alternative crop productions for the farmers and land owner that are financially productive , reducing demand at home and more I could go on for some time.
Now I will tell you whats stupid is the amount of young people I have found conscious or gotten calls for that I had to send off in a Ambulance to the er and how many of them have ended up in the funeral home..
I have some very graphic memories of a few of them , Perhaps I can share.
A young Asian woman I found laying half naked in the grass with reclaimed water from sprinklers flowing over he limp body unconscious .
Shes was very attractive and about 19 years old . I checked for life signs and she was still barely alive , Emergency services were called and she was transported to the er. A few hours after that I had to call her parents to tell them she was dead.
You see I knew her , and had ran into her at a local hookah bar the day before when responding to a call about a disturbance . She was a sweet kid. The guy we trespassed for the owner was a drug dealer and it was him we traced back that Sold her the morphine powder laced with fentanyl. We just didn't have enough evidence as we had others that said he sold it to her but would not testify in court.
That is the reality of drug abuse. Nothing like picking up a half nude kid laying in sprinklers and having to call her family to day she died and then realizing there nothing I could about it.
Or when I found a 14 year old black girl along side the road naked and crying , she had been raped but had been given a dose of ghb in a soda we think, she has no memory just sitting there crying bruised and emotionally destroyed
Or the guy I got a call for in a parking lot of the hookah . He was 16 yers old he has already turned blue and had omitted in has mouth , I performed cpr trying to safe his life but he was dead. He tox screen showed he also has overdosed on fentanyl.
Others has seen him sweating profusely nodding off and he said he was going to his car to lay down . He never made it .
Yea Im stupid and democrats wanting to criminalize heroin meth and cocaine and other narcotics are smart Im stupid because I want to close one of the doors of entry points for drugs and democrats are smart for wanting it open . Listen to your self and live with your self. I can hold my head up high and be proud for the efforts I have made to save American lives and the pain it caused their family's , you and those like you can be proud of your efforts to see more and die way to young and the crime that surrounds it..
We have almost 100,000 overdoses a year in the USA And untold amounts of muggings, rapes, thefts, home invasions ,And other crimes related to drugs So excuse me for being do stupid I want to see those number drastically cut . Tell me how many dead bodies have to had to handle from drug deaths or parents you had to tell their kids were dead or in the hospital .
Whats stupid is wanting to decriminalize drugs and not address the issues of every entry point in to our nation.
That is stupid And the democrat way.