democrats think men can be pregnant

the stupidity of democrats grow by the day it is amazing how goofy they are getting.. The stupidity of democrats seems to know no limit .

the stupidity of democrats grow by the day it is amazing how goofy they are getting.. The stupidity of democrats seems to know no limit .

Just thinking. Maybe you originated from a man. No woman would claim you.
Boris and Pjmret would produce an interesting child.

A life long lib!

Sex is TWO THINGS to human beings.
(1) Sex is a recreational activity. People enjoy sex because it is a pleasant sensation.
(2) Sex is the biological method that homo sapiens reproduce.

Of these two things, the FIRST is by far the most significant.

It is possible by surgical means for a homo sapien to alter his organs so that he or she can enjoy sex as a member of the other sex enjoys sex. It does not mean that men can become pregnant. No one who has a sex change operation does so because they wish to reproduce.

The physical gender of a person usually corresponds to that person's sexual orientation. But there are exceptions. There are biological females that identify with males, and there are biological males that identify with females with regard to how they believe they wish to enjoy sex. It is medically possible to refit males so they can enjoy sex as females do, and to refit females so they can enjoy sex as males so.

Just as a person who has lost a leg or was born missing a leg can be fitted with a prosthetic leg so they are able to function as people born with two legs.

Sexual attraction is not the same thing as the desire of a person to possess the sexual organs of the opposite sex.
Such people are known as gay or Lesbian.

Human psychology is far too complex for some people to comprehend it. Also, many people have been brainwashed by religion or societal norms to deliberately realize this.

I believe that people have the absolute right to enjoy sex and their own bodies however they desire and to have the same rights as people who are like the majority of homo sapiens.