Democrats make sure their rich donors do not have to pay their fair share of American financial burdens

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
When rich Democrats talk about making the rich pay their fair share, they are not talking about rich Democrats or rich donors to Democrat candidates and causes. They are talking about the other rich people in the country, and are only just talking about it but they never actually do anything that proves they are serious about making the rich pay.

Gavin Newsom, billionaire donor rip 'absurd' suggestion they mutually benefited from minimum wage exemption ( 3-1-24

Gavin Newsom, billionaire donor rip 'absurd' suggestion they mutually benefited from minimum wage exemption.
When rich Democrats talk about making the rich pay their fair share, they are not talking about rich Democrats or rich donors to Democrat candidates and causes. They are talking about the other rich people in the country, and are only just talking about it but they never actually do anything that proves they are serious about making the rich pay.

Gavin Newsom, billionaire donor rip 'absurd' suggestion they mutually benefited from minimum wage exemption ( 3-1-24

Gavin Newsom, billionaire donor rip 'absurd' suggestion they mutually benefited from minimum wage exemption.
1 trillion tax cuts to Trump's wealthy donors. Thank you Donny.
1 trillion tax cuts to Trump's wealthy donors. Thank you Donny.
BS. Name the donors and their tax breaks that Congress allegedly gave to Republican donors and not Democrat donors. Newsome gave one of his billionaire donors a break that no other rich Californian got. Corrupt political favoritism does not get more obvious than that.
What is their fair share?
Good question. Growing numbers of shady Democrat strategists are fanning the ignorant flames of black resentment towards Republicans on the insinuation that it is Republicans and not economic reality that prevents them from getting a free phone and a million dollar reparations windfall.
Trump paid a measly $750 to the IRS. Other years he paid zilch. And somehow that is fair?
Of course paying what is due is fair. What is not fair is for fascist leftists to seize Trump's assets for political reasons using a twisted interpretation of a 70 year-old law that has never before been used to seize a businessman's assets the way the Democrat crooks and thugs are attempting to use it today.
Trump was guilty, others were not. Trump was and s an incompetent and cheating businessman. He deserves the sentence he received and he is powerless to pardon himself for it.
Trump was guilty, others were not. Trump was and s an incompetent and cheating businessman. He deserves the sentence he received and he is powerless to pardon himself for it.
Do you believe that the IRS has been deciding how much Trump should have paid in 2015 all this time?
He said he would reveal his tax bills to the public when the IRS completed an audit.

Do you think the IRS extends audits for NINE EFFING YEARS?

Trump s a liar and a tax cheat. Sumbitch belongs in prison.