Democrats "deem as passed" faux $1.12 trillion budget... without even writing one!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA

I am left speechless by this one.

That's very rare, for me.

When I first heard about it, I thought it was a joke - something printed in The Onion. I thought it was a pretty good one, too, a real knee-slapper.

Then I found the link below. Apparently, the Democrats actually did it.

Instead of writing the Federal budget for the fiscal year 2011, Democrats have simply added an amendment to another bill, saying that a budget is "deemed to have passed". The amendment passed the House 215-210. No Republicans voted in favor, and 38 Democrats voted against.

Apparently this allows Democrats to go on spending Federal money, without the pesky restraint of having to write - or stick to - an actual budget.

I'm curious about something.

If, next week, the Democrats pass some sort of bill saying that the elections of November 2010 and 2012 are "deemed to have taken place", and that Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Franks, Schumer etc. are the winners..... is that substantively different from what they have just done here?
Re: Democrats "deem as passed" faux $1.12 trillion budget... without even writing one

I don't think "deeming" a bill as passed is the same thing as passing it into law. What it does is allow the other house to begin debating and amending it. It is a way to get things done more quickly.
Re: Democrats "deem as passed" faux $1.12 trillion budget... without even writing one

I'm curious about something.

If, next week, the Democrats pass some sort of bill saying that the elections of November 2010 and 2012 are "deemed to have taken place", and that Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Franks, Schumer etc. are the winners..... is that substantively different from what they have just done here?

If the Democrats are this easy about "deeming" one Constitutional requirement as "done" when it hasn't even been started, why not another?

What reason would they have NOT to do it to an entire election - just "deem" it already held, with themselves as the winners?

Once you throw out the Constitution as the limiting factor on what government can do, you are left with NO limits on what government can do.
Re: Democrats "deem as passed" faux $1.12 trillion budget... without even writing one

Debating and amending WHAT??? They haven't even written the budget!

Debating and amending is a part of writing the budget.

That's not to say that the budget they're working on is anything anyone is willing to take credit for. The budget for next year is likely to be a formula for disaster anyway.
Re: Democrats "deem as passed" faux $1.12 trillion budget... without even writing one

Isn't this the first time in like 100 years that congress did not have a budget written by the proper time?
Re: Democrats "deem as passed" faux $1.12 trillion budget... without even writing one

Isn't this the first time in like 100 years that congress did not have a budget written by the proper time?

What is the "usual" schedule, anyway?

When is the budget supposed to be first written, ready for debate?

When is debate supposed to be finished?

When are the votes on amendments, supposed to be finished?

When is the final vote supposed to be held by?

When does it need to be signed by the President?

And finally, when is it supposed to go into effect?
Re: Democrats "deem as passed" faux $1.12 trillion budget... without even writing one

What is the "usual" schedule, anyway?

When is the budget supposed to be first written, ready for debate?

When is debate supposed to be finished?

When are the votes on amendments, supposed to be finished?

When is the final vote supposed to be held by?

When does it need to be signed by the President?

And finally, when is it supposed to go into effect?

In effect by July 1st of every year, the rest I don't know. Some where I heard this week that this is the first time congress did not have a budget in a long time, probably not 100 years but like 70 something or 80 something, I don't remember the exact date.
Re: Democrats "deem as passed" faux $1.12 trillion budget... without even writing one

Isn't this the first time in like 100 years that congress did not have a budget written by the proper time?

Not quite.

The House has never failed to pass an annual budget resolution since the current budget rules were put into place in 1974, according to a Congressional Research Service report.

Congress didn't pass a final resolution that could pass both the House and Senate in 1998, 2002, 2004 and 2006, when Republicans controlled at least one chamber.

But this isn't a budget per se, but a house resolution on the budget. I'm not sure just what that means, are you?
Re: Democrats "deem as passed" faux $1.12 trillion budget... without even writing one

Not quite.

But this isn't a budget per se, but a house resolution on the budget. I'm not sure just what that means, are you?

Since 74, I remember reading that now, not sure why I thought it was longer. I would rather it was 78 so I could blame Carter He he he!

Either way 100 or 34 years, its always been done but it is not now. Why not now and why isn't it more talked about?
Re: Democrats "deem as passed" faux $1.12 trillion budget... without even writing one

Since 74, I remember reading that now, not sure why I thought it was longer. I would rather it was 78 so I could blame Carter He he he!

Either way 100 or 34 years, its always been done but it is not now. Why not now and why isn't it more talked about?

I'm not sure. Just what does a "house resolution on the budget" mean, anyway? Did it matter when the Senate wouldn't pass them? Nothing much changed, as far as I could see during those years.
Re: Democrats "deem as passed" faux $1.12 trillion budget... without even writing one

I'm not surprised that it isn't done yet! That being said, How does one debate something that doesn't exist? The Rep. from "insert state here" would like to challenge the monies that were set aside for, oh wait nothing is written. Using debate to decide something that hasn't been written seems bass ackwards. I know in years past they have had at least a preliminary budget they could debate. Maybe if they took the time that they spent debating the equality of public bathrooms, they would have had a good start on the budget.

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