Well-Known Member
show it to me, in person
LOL ok the day I run for office
or if you ever come over for a cup of coffee

show it to me, in person
The state of North Carolina issues what is known as a delayed birth certificate. My grandfather’s sister was born in 1919 and he was born in 1926. But North Carolina did not issue state birth certificates before the year 1920.
But I have a copy of a delayed birth certificate for my grandfather’s sister, and it is based on information that she herself provided the state official that issued the document in the 1970s.
I have a copy of my grandfather’s original birth certificate and also a copy of a delayed birth certificate that he requested in 1979. Like his sister’s, my grandfather’s delayed birth certificate is based on information that he himself provided to the state official who issued the document in 1979. And lo and behold the information on my grandfather’s original birth certificate is not the same as the information on his delayed birth certificate. The dates given for his birth are not the same; the place of birth is not same (different counties) and his mother’s last name is not the same (likely because his parents divorced and he must have given his mother’s 2nd married name).
So, if you can get a delayed birth certificate from North Carolina based on information you yourself provide, why should anyone not believe that the birth certificate that Obama has supposedly made public after obtaining it from the State of Hawaii is not just a delayed birth certificate that Obama himself verified seeing as how the State of Hawaii has sealed Obama's birth records?
Dr. Chiyome Fukino says he saw the records and validated them,
Do you have your original birth certificate? Mine was lost in a flood. What I did was went to the bureau of vital records and got what they call a "certificate of live birth". It has all the same information on it, including the notary stamp. It has all of the same certified information on it except the doctors signature and my hand/foot prints.
Why would we assume that it is false?
Would the information on your state certified certificate of live birth be false?
Did you realize that in most places it takes several weeks or even months to recieve one.
The hell its not. If you really believe this, you are more delusional than I thought.I dont think an apples to apples argument is even approachable here.
Well, since we are talking about the President of the United States and leader of the free world, forgive me for wanting a high level of certainty in this matter.Also, just because your family members lied about thier birthdates for whatever reason or possibly mistaken for a number of reasons, considering the the timeframe you are speaking about compared to the time frame of the President.
Well, if there is no screw up, why won’t Obama open his records for public examination?Was your Grandfather or Aunt born in a foreign country? Because that is the level of screw up you are suggesting here.
Either way, if they were/are still alive, assuming the document known as a delayed birth record is probably the NC equivalent to a certificate of live birth, then they could absolutely use that document to establish thier name, citizenship, and birth date even though it is not the original piece of paper.And if they had used these documents to validate their eligibility to be President of the United States, they would have nullified the Constitution, as Obama is doing.
Again, you want to compare a date being off, compared to someone being born in an entirely different country?
Yes, when a person wants to be President of the United States.
The straws you are grasping at are way up in the palm tree.
Huh? This doesn’t even make sense.
How about you show me an immigration record and then we can have an honest conversation.
Huh? This doesn’t even make sense.
hey I changed the subject for a good reason, stop trying to bring it back...
no one cares about conspiracy nut jobs who will never listen to any evidence...
and for what ?
What do you mean for what? If Obama weren’t sitting in the White House, the place of his birth would be no consequence.
Yes, but that's not what he said, in fact he's not permitted by law to verify anything other than it's existence sans approval by the person in question and, as we all know, the president has declined to do this.
If this man can only verify a birth certificate at the request of the person for whom the birth certificate was issued, and Obama hasn’t authorized public access to the document, why did the man bother to verify it?
So, if you can get a delayed birth certificate from North Carolina based on information you yourself provide, why should anyone not believe that the birth certificate that Obama has supposedly made public after obtaining it from the State of Hawaii is not just a delayed birth certificate that Obama himself verified seeing as how the State of Hawaii has sealed Obama's birth records?
The facts have been laid out time & time again.
On the contrary. The facts are found only in Obama’s original birth certificate, which he is hiding from public scrutiny. Obama is like Saddam Hussein. GBW thought Hussein had WMD because Hussein was acting in a secretive manner that gave GWB reason to think he had WMD. Hussein could have opened his country up to a complete and unhindered international inspection and thus prove that GWB was wrong. Obama can open his original birth certificate up to a complete and unhindered public inspection and prove the people you contemptuously call birthers are wrong.