Definition of conservative

My ideology is simple. Progressives are pussies. Conservatives are stupid. I want us to take back america. I want Thomas Jefferson. I want both Adams.

That's actually not so simple, its not even an actual ideology. Sounds like you have a general concept in mind for the proper role of government but you seem to lack a solid philosophical basis for any specific ideology.

Jefferson and Samuel Adams shared a similar ideology while John Adams was a political rival of Jefferson's and held a different ideology from both Jefferson and his second cousin Samuel. The only real connection between the three men was their support for individual rights, which most of the men of the enlightenment held as a moral standard.

If you have an interest, I'd like to discuss specifics as to what you believe and attempt to determine your specific political ideology. I have a hunch you lean toward classical liberalism but further inquiries are necessary to ascertain an explicit ideology.
And I speak from the perspective that I founded and managed a corporation for twenty years.
I've been involved in every facet of manufacturing/engineering, since '75; from turnin'-screws to developmental-engineering design.​
That's actually not so simple, its not even an actual ideology. Sounds like you have a general concept in mind for the proper role of government but you seem to lack a solid philosophical basis for any specific ideology.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!

(You're more-diplomatic than I. :o )​
Geeezzz, I wanted to like you, but I am being trashed. Oh well, I'm used to it.

Progressives and regressives alike, hate me. Sry. Will try to make ya like me sometime in the future. Can ya say F U ! ! ! ???
That's actually not so simple, its not even an actual ideology. Sounds like you have a general concept in mind for the proper role of government but you seem to lack a solid philosophical basis for any specific ideology.

Jefferson and Samuel Adams shared a similar ideology while John Adams was a political rival of Jefferson's and held a different ideology from both Jefferson and his second cousin Samuel. The only real connection between the three men was their support for individual rights, which most of the men of the enlightenment held as a moral standard.

If you have an interest, I'd like to discuss specifics as to what you believe and attempt to determine your specific political ideology. I have a hunch you lean toward classical liberalism but further inquiries are necessary to ascertain an explicit ideology.

Cool, I like you. Let's talk. Tomorrow, though, I'm drunk tonight.
**** it, as drunk as I am, I will debate this. Adams and Jefferson did not see eye to eye. Adams was vice president, and Jefferson was secy of state. Adams won the battle, with a 3 vote margin. But Jefferson eventually won the Presidency. Adams, on his death bed, said, “I will out live Jefferson.”

Oh well, on July 4th, both passed away. Go figure. Jefferson passed away a few hours before Adams. So Adams was right. On the fiftieth anniversary of our nation’s birth, two patriots died.

In 1831 James Monroe, our Nation's 5th President, also died on the 4th of July. In 1850 our 12th President, Zachary Taylor participated in July 4th activities at the Washington monument. It was a blistery day and the president became quite ill. He died five days later on July 9th.

So, shut up. Don’t die in July.
conservative: a: tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : traditional.
b: marked by moderation or caution.


What could possibly BE more un-American??!!!

true conservatism can best be described in just one word, "ALWAYS"!!!
true conservatism can best be described in just one word, "ALWAYS"!!!
I don't think anyone's gonna argue that!
