Thanks for acknowledging the mistype. Dave, if you are ever of a mind to read the entire length of this thread, you will see that this ground has been covered. For now, just to glance the corporate aspect, I will remind you of the 70% (or is it 75% ?) of the Iraqi oil reserved for western corporations, which was struck early last winter.
The part that Israel plays is better discussed in the World Politics, Mideast section ...but I surely hope you have taken a look at the websites I provided, at least the two more prominent ones ( and
I think it is a little circular to bring agitprop from the site in order to prove a point that they are asserting.
But I'll look at that and also the other one you provided, thank you. I'm sorry that I'm so sporadic here these days; I have had a sudden project afoot.
You have chosen to believe one version of the story. I hope for your sake you have at least looked at the other version (I know I would never listen to only one side in a dispute). After you go to the cactus and mideast websites, and also the jewsnotzionist sites, you will see how the claim of "racism" can simply not be made in this situation.
And of course no one has claimed it was a "peace process". But it does dismantle the argument that neocons routinely advance, about Muslims foaming at the mouth to kill any one who does not believe in their religion.
Another birthday for me ?

Please acquaint yourself with the "Project for a New American Century".
I rest my case.