Defiant Gadhafi threatens attacks in Europe

I wonder if the administration thought Libya would be a cakewalk. It seemed that the rebels had a lot of momentum at the beginning, but now the war is bogged down. Wars are seldom a cakewalk. Except for Granada.

Of course they thought it would be a cakewalk, just like the previous administration thought that Iraq would be a cakewalk.

If the government were to realistically assess the costs of going to war, there would be a lot fewer wars.
I wonder if the administration thought Libya would be a cakewalk. It seemed that the rebels had a lot of momentum at the beginning, but now the war is bogged down. Wars are seldom a cakewalk. Except for Granada.

To hear all the Administration officials running around making the case for the Libyan war, it was amazing how many parallels were drawn with Rwanda. If you look at the backgrounds of many of these people, you will find they served in the Clinton Administration.

It almost seems like intervention in Libya was an apology for failure to act in Rwanda....I certainly hope that is not the case.