Well-Known Member
My Friends,
It is time to very seriously contemplate the defeat of all incumbent politicians in the next 3 voting cycles (2010, 2012 & 2014). If we have learned anything during the last few years, politicians are out for themselves and NO ONE ELSE! Both the Democrat and Republican Parties have become completely self aggrandizing and not looking after the true and desired interests of the American public. We are going further and further into debt, we already owe our asses to the Chinese with no end in sight.
We need “new” blood in the political arena, with new and innovative ideas to solve, or at least whittle away, at our most pressing issues. I have become a 100% independent voter and will ONLY vote for the person that I believe will do the best job, be it in Washington D.C., or in my State of Florida. I hope the entire ruckus caused by the “Tea Parties” will continue into the voting booth in the coming elections. The Great United States of America can no longer afford the same old politics, if we want to continue being a Great Nation.
May you all have a Great & Happy Thanksgiving and remember in your prayers our valiant and courage Men & Women in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Go Air Force!!!!

It is time to very seriously contemplate the defeat of all incumbent politicians in the next 3 voting cycles (2010, 2012 & 2014). If we have learned anything during the last few years, politicians are out for themselves and NO ONE ELSE! Both the Democrat and Republican Parties have become completely self aggrandizing and not looking after the true and desired interests of the American public. We are going further and further into debt, we already owe our asses to the Chinese with no end in sight.
We need “new” blood in the political arena, with new and innovative ideas to solve, or at least whittle away, at our most pressing issues. I have become a 100% independent voter and will ONLY vote for the person that I believe will do the best job, be it in Washington D.C., or in my State of Florida. I hope the entire ruckus caused by the “Tea Parties” will continue into the voting booth in the coming elections. The Great United States of America can no longer afford the same old politics, if we want to continue being a Great Nation.
May you all have a Great & Happy Thanksgiving and remember in your prayers our valiant and courage Men & Women in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Go Air Force!!!!