Defeat all incumbents


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2009
Miami, Florida
My Friends,
It is time to very seriously contemplate the defeat of all incumbent politicians in the next 3 voting cycles (2010, 2012 & 2014). If we have learned anything during the last few years, politicians are out for themselves and NO ONE ELSE! Both the Democrat and Republican Parties have become completely self aggrandizing and not looking after the true and desired interests of the American public. We are going further and further into debt, we already owe our asses to the Chinese with no end in sight.
We need “new” blood in the political arena, with new and innovative ideas to solve, or at least whittle away, at our most pressing issues. I have become a 100% independent voter and will ONLY vote for the person that I believe will do the best job, be it in Washington D.C., or in my State of Florida. I hope the entire ruckus caused by the “Tea Parties” will continue into the voting booth in the coming elections. The Great United States of America can no longer afford the same old politics, if we want to continue being a Great Nation.
May you all have a Great & Happy Thanksgiving and remember in your prayers our valiant and courage Men & Women in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Go Air Force!!!! :):):)
I have become a 100% independent voter and will ONLY vote for the person that I believe will do the best job, be it in Washington D.C., or in my State of Florida.
That's pretty-much what other voters do.'ve just recently had some kind o' revelation....that, from-this-time-ON, you're gonna change your ways....and, vote for the person that you believe will do the best job....instead-of the way you USED to vote?????

That's pretty-much what other voters do.​'ve just recently had some kind o' revelation....that, from-this-time-ON, you're gonna change your ways....and, vote for the person that you believe will do the best job....instead-of the way you USED to vote?????


SHHHHHH...maybe he's been in a 'COMA' and just figured out the way in which our election system works ;) Don't scare him away from his new found INDEPENDENT voting, you'll drive him right into the arms of those WHACK-A-DOS FEDERALISTS and they'll never let him see the 'LIGHT' of day and reasoning :eek:
I have ALWAYS voted for the right candidate, I am just re-stating that fact. My main point, which you seem to have missed, maybe, is that we need to clean house 100% and keep cleaning house until the scumbag politicians realize that they work for the American people and not for their own interests.
Thank you for your input, I do respect your view.
I have ALWAYS voted for the right candidate, I am just re-stating that fact. My main point, which you seem to have missed, maybe, is that we need to clean house 100% and keep cleaning house until the scumbag politicians realize that they work for the American people and not for their own interests.
Thank you for your input, I do respect your view.

I find your enthusiasm very, very refreshing...but your statement rather confusing: "I have ALWAYS voted for the right candidate"...hmmm! Did you ALWAYS vote as an Independent or is that allowed in Florida or did you just cross over the party lines and punch those chads so that they weren't just hanging :confused:

I'm old, I'm tired, and very-very cynical, so if you could revamp the current system would you toss both parties out and start anew or just come up with the working peoples option for the MIDDLE CLASS PARTY and rule AMERICA? I am being's just I'm horribly, completely exhausted ;)
If you just vote out all in office...what do you end up with? the same 2 parties in office, but republicans in control again....does that realy change things overall ( well not for the better at least)

If you want real change, work on building up third parties...I will take a bad Dem in office over a worse republican ..and not going so vote against a good Dem or republican, just to vote them out to say we voted evryone out.

you seem to have issue with the system, not the people so change the system, not just the placeholder of it.
My Friends,
It is time to very seriously contemplate the defeat of all incumbent politicians in the next 3 voting cycles (2010, 2012 & 2014). If we have learned anything during the last few years, politicians are out for themselves and NO ONE ELSE! Both the Democrat and Republican Parties have become completely self aggrandizing and not looking after the true and desired interests of the American public. We are going further and further into debt, we already owe our asses to the Chinese with no end in sight.
We need “new” blood in the political arena, with new and innovative ideas to solve, or at least whittle away, at our most pressing issues. I have become a 100% independent voter and will ONLY vote for the person that I believe will do the best job, be it in Washington D.C., or in my State of Florida. I hope the entire ruckus caused by the “Tea Parties” will continue into the voting booth in the coming elections. The Great United States of America can no longer afford the same old politics, if we want to continue being a Great Nation.
May you all have a Great & Happy Thanksgiving and remember in your prayers our valiant and courage Men & Women in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Go Air Force!!!! :):):)

CHAINSAW!!!, THANK YOU, I,"always" have been preaching "VOTE PRINCIPLES over PARTY since 2008 elections. I mean VOTE CONSERVATIVE , not for any party,(d), (r), or (i)! - Most are liars and thieves. The election of Obama proves just how stupid and lazy we voters have become. So , make a pledge to vote againt all incumbents unless their past voting records over several years is a Conservative one , lets us not be fooled again!
I am sick of what I see these radical leftist are doing to our Constitution , our Military and our Nation.
If you just vote out all in office...what do you end up with? the same 2 parties in office, but republicans in control again....does that realy change things overall ( well not for the better at least)

If you want real change, work on building up third parties...I will take a bad Dem in office over a worse republican ..and not going so vote against a good Dem or republican, just to vote them out to say we voted evryone out.

you seem to have issue with the system, not the people so change the system, not just the placeholder of it.

So, in 2010, We clean out our FILTHY HOUSE and as many Senators as we must! Then in 2012. We clean out any remaing garbage in our House , Throw out more useless radical libs and also dump our inept , undecided , anti- American president. Give America a NEW , HONEST , MORAL, FREEDOM LOVING , CONSTITUTION LOVING CONGRESS and a much SMARTER PRESIDENT , one who does not need a prompter to state his name and address! THEN , AMERICA will RECOVER from our HUGE MISTAKE in 2008!!!
And , NEVER, I MEAN NEVER, make that mistake again!
My Friends,
It is time to very seriously contemplate the defeat of all incumbent politicians in the next 3 voting cycles (2010, 2012 & 2014). If we have learned anything during the last few years, politicians are out for themselves and NO ONE ELSE! Both the Democrat and Republican Parties have become completely self aggrandizing and not looking after the true and desired interests of the American public. We are going further and further into debt, we already owe our asses to the Chinese with no end in sight.
We need “new” blood in the political arena, with new and innovative ideas to solve, or at least whittle away, at our most pressing issues. I have become a 100% independent voter and will ONLY vote for the person that I believe will do the best job, be it in Washington D.C., or in my State of Florida. I hope the entire ruckus caused by the “Tea Parties” will continue into the voting booth in the coming elections. The Great United States of America can no longer afford the same old politics, if we want to continue being a Great Nation.
May you all have a Great & Happy Thanksgiving and remember in your prayers our valiant and courage Men & Women in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Go Air Force!!!! :):):)

Agree with you Sir....Defeat them all and put in place Strict Term limits and that includes the U.S. Supreme court. They're not special neither and make the office of the Presidency from 2, 4 year terms to just 1, 6 year term. ;)
That's pretty-much what other voters do.'ve just recently had some kind o' revelation....that, from-this-time-ON, you're gonna change your ways....and, vote for the person that you believe will do the best job....instead-of the way you USED to vote?????


Bollocks. Most voters will vote for "their" party even if they're running Beelzebub. One reason it is so hard to change the incumbents, even when the overall approval rating of Congress is in the single digits, is that their districts are gerrymandered to assure that most of their constituency are members of their party.

We'd be far better off with either many parties, or none at all. I vote for none at all.

Yes, it's time for a voter revolt in which we change the makeup of the federal government and elect people who will actually try to solve some of the problems facing this nation.

We won't do so, of course, but it is fun to talk about on a forum.

Say, Shaman, when was the last time you voted for a Republican for anything at all?
Thank you for your comments. At least the discussion has begun. I agree, both the Democrat & Republican parties have become too used to running things their way and we really do need a 3rd party to shake things up. But, this 3rd party needs to present real and viable candidates - whatever that means since everyone has a different opinion.
I do not espouse the idea that you must vote for conservatives or liberals only, they both have their drawbacks. We need good people that want to work for the betterment of America and not their personal gain. And, it is time the American public pulls their head out of their “tailpipe” and realizes that we have the scumbag politicians that we have because we are too lazy to take some time and really educate ourselves on the issues and the candidates. We just need to wise up, that’s all.

I am sure the above will get some "real" good comments! :):)
I have ALWAYS voted for the right candidate, I am just re-stating that fact. My main point, which you seem to have missed, maybe, is that we need to clean house 100% and keep cleaning house until the scumbag politicians realize that they work for the American people and not for their own interests.
Gee.....even the ones you voted-for?
