Debate proves Palin is what they all should be

yes I do, becuse he stands with me on the issues,
Point to his actual legislative record, NOT what he says he believes but what he's actually tried to pass, in order to show me exactly which issues you agree with him.

and McCain failed to show me he would do anything to make this nation better and worth voting for.
You are going on faith with Obama. His record of legislative accomplishments is razor thin, whereas, McCain's legislative record is voluminous. You can trust McCain to be where he says he stands, you have to take Obama on his word.

And Gaffs? You have a good brain that shuts out the many many many McCain ones I see.
Yes, gaffs. When Obama makes them, his supporters write them off but when McCain makes gaffs, Obama and his supporters try to make hay out of it by using the Ageist argument.

I know McCain makes gaffs... everyone does. Its only people on your side who equate McCains gaffs with old age and dementia.

Palin is a Joke, a sad one. I have never seen someone in a debate look more cluess. Bush debates 100 times better, and I hate him.
Strange, thats how I feel about Obama. Empty suit who talks purty. Palin was excoriated by your side for not answering direct questions with direct answers... yet your same side didn't notice that Obama does the same or worse in debates. Like Limbaugh says, Obama says nothing better than anyone has ever said nothing before.

And for anyone who wants to childishly attack Limbaughs character by calling him a pill-popper - thinking that somehow discounts his opinions - Obama snorted coke, smoked pot (possibly crack) and drank heavily. I don't feel a need to attack him for these things to discount his opinions.... Obama's policies and empty rhetoric are easily defeated using basic math skills, logic, reason and a touch of recent history. The only way to defend Obama's policies as a recipe for prosperity, is to reject reality.
Dr. Who, Very good post...

I like her too, she is down to earth. Honestly though, I really like Joe Biden also. I probably would not agree with him much politically but personally I just really like him and I like him more and more each time I see him. But I feel the same way about Sarah Palin. She is more of what I wish politicians were too.

I know very little about him though I expect to see much more as we get closer to election day. From what I saw on the debate I like him too. Of course he would not have been a senator for many years if he were unlikeable. And I like Palin too.

So it's a good thing that I don't vote for someone because I like them. I vote because they will advance the causes I think will be good for America - all of America.

One clincher against Biden was when he tried to use a warped concept of "fairness" to advance his unfairness. Taxing one person at 40 whatever percent and taxing another person at a rate that actually gives them money is the opposite of fair. But it sure was nice of him to try to reframe the definition of fair to include stealing.
I know very little about him though I expect to see much more as we get closer to election day. From what I saw on the debate I like him too. Of course he would not have been a senator for many years if he were unlikeable. And I like Palin too.

So it's a good thing that I don't vote for someone because I like them. I vote because they will advance the causes I think will be good for America - all of America.

One clincher against Biden was when he tried to use a warped concept of "fairness" to advance his unfairness. Taxing one person at 40 whatever percent and taxing another person at a rate that actually gives them money is the opposite of fair. But it sure was nice of him to try to reframe the definition of fair to include stealing.

I dont think I could vote for Biden. I dont agree with him on just about anything but some how I really like him. So its hard to "attack" him. I posted something a moment ago about something he said in the debate that apparently was not true. It was hard for me to post it because I really just like him. If it would have been Obama, I would have been snickering while posting hoping it hurt him and wishing he had said more. With Biden it was more like I feel like I should point this out but I wish he didn't say it and I hope it doesnt hurt him.

If it were Biden/Clinton or Biden/Richardson I would hope for the more conservative ticket to win, but I wouldnt be "afraid" if they didnt, like I will be with this Obama ticket. I find the man comforting, but I wont vote for him just because I like him. But I will wish him well. He is kind of sweet.
I dont think I could vote for Biden. I dont agree with him on just about anything but some how I really like him. So its hard to "attack" him. I posted something a moment ago about something he said in the debate that apparently was not true. It was hard for me to post it because I really just like him. If it would have been Obama, I would have been snickering while posting hoping it hurt him and wishing he had said more. With Biden it was more like I feel like I should point this out but I wish he didn't say it and I hope it doesnt hurt him.

If it were Biden/Clinton or Biden/Richardson I would hope for the more conservative ticket to win, but I wouldnt be "afraid" if they didnt, like I will be with this Obama ticket. I find the man comforting, but I wont vote for him just because I like him. But I will wish him well. He is kind of sweet.

No need to dish out any of this in a personal way. It is what it is. And pointing out Sen. Biden's flaws lessen Sen. Obama's chances of causing harm. You owe it to the American people to go on a blitz posting as much truthful and harmful material about Sen. Biden and Sen. Obama as Popeye posts untruthful material about McCain and Palin.

Biden is the third most liberal senator in the senate. One cannot be that liberal and be both good and smart. Surely one could have good motives and be that liberal but then one would have to be pretty dumb to think that radical liberal policies were good for people in general. Or one could be smart and ascribe to these extreme liberal policies as a means to advance a more sinister agenda.
Come on pocket, lol.. your posts now are really getting tired. Palin is real, she is believable and she doesn't talk down to her audience. I personally feel her grasp of Energy issue's exceeds those of Mccain, Biden and Obama. I'd agree she doesn't have as broad of knowledge of general issues as either of the other candidates, but she's far from the idiot you and other liberals try to label her as. This woman has accomplished alot and is in her early 40's, while maintaining a family. You can criticize her all you like, but the more you overexaggerate the more people will tune you out. She's ran a business, been a mayor, governor and been successful at all of the above. No matter how much you rant, you can't change that. Regarding your comments regarding her style, that's what I like about her the most and I suspect most others do as well. It's this type of seething hate that really turns people off. There's no way or at least no reason for you to be so venomous towards the woman lol.

She has done a lot, but as far as VP? not even close. And if she would not sit there winking at the camera and giving a shout out in the middle of a debate, maybe I could have some respect for her...or maybe not telling the moderator that she will not actually answers the question giver to her, or when she does try to, actually saying something that is not lifted so clearly off a talking point memo.

If she wants to be taken Serious as a VP , maybe she should try to act like one and prove she has a clue, and is more then just a "hockey mom" I know lots of hockey moms, they are not running for office, great people, but they are not running for VP...after all , this Is Minnesota, Hockey rules here,.
Point to his actual legislative record, NOT what he says he believes but what he's actually tried to pass, in order to show me exactly which issues you agree with him.

You are going on faith with Obama. His record of legislative accomplishments is razor thin, whereas, McCain's legislative record is voluminous. You can trust McCain to be where he says he stands, you have to take Obama on his word.

Yes, gaffs. When Obama makes them, his supporters write them off but when McCain makes gaffs, Obama and his supporters try to make hay out of it by using the Ageist argument.

I know McCain makes gaffs... everyone does. Its only people on your side who equate McCains gaffs with old age and dementia.

Strange, thats how I feel about Obama. Empty suit who talks purty. Palin was excoriated by your side for not answering direct questions with direct answers... yet your same side didn't notice that Obama does the same or worse in debates. Like Limbaugh says, Obama says nothing better than anyone has ever said nothing before.

And for anyone who wants to childishly attack Limbaughs character by calling him a pill-popper - thinking that somehow discounts his opinions - Obama snorted coke, smoked pot (possibly crack) and drank heavily. I don't feel a need to attack him for these things to discount his opinions.... Obama's policies and empty rhetoric are easily defeated using basic math skills, logic, reason and a touch of recent history. The only way to defend Obama's policies as a recipe for prosperity, is to reject reality.

Are you really going to try to argue that McCain is closer to me on the issues then Obama? While I respected McCain, I went in knowing full well he does not agree with me on most issues, as he is a Conservative, I am a Liberal. Are you saying that McCain will get our troops out of Iraq and send more to Afghanistan? Because if so, that's going against his own words. Maybe you think McCain will be willing to talk with Iran? If so, you should tell him to say it. Because he seems dead said against it. Maybe you think McCain is raising the taxes on the upper tax bracket back to what it was before? Obama has the Health care plan I favor, and worked on the lose nuke issue with Chuck Hagel, a major issue to me knowing Al Qaeda and Bin Laden who has already got the ok for higher ups ( in Islam, not Al Qaeda) to use them.

On the gaffs, go back look at all the McCain ones, and you will who deffending him? Me, so yea when NoObama keeps ranting worthless crap acting like Obama thinks there are 57 states, I will attack her for it as well.

As for Rush? umm where did I say anything about him?

And Obama responded to the questions fine, of course he danced on a few, they all do...Palin just flat out ignored them , talked about stuff that had zero to do with anything.I mean for god sakes, she actuly said, I am going to igore the question and talk about what I want . She wants to show the world she is ready, then try talking something more the Hockey Moms and Mavericks. I have been honest that I wish Obama had more experience, hence why I supported Biden from the start....But for those who have attacked his , then raved all over Palin as great, is just hypocritical and a joke as he has a lot more then she does.

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