This much of your post I can agree with you on.
I personally am not a socialist, I am also not a communist
I am not someone who is "into" worshiping my president as some kind of messiah.
I am not someone who thinks stealing from one group to give to anther is ethical or decent.
If "that one" becomes president, it will be through voter fraud first off, and second it will destroy the country as we know it. We will become like every other socialist country out there and the one thing that made us differnt than everyone else will be gone.
So I agree with you its the make us or break us election.
But becoming a pathetic socialist country who is led by a ... my gosh there really are no words to describe your leader.. is not a direction I am willing to go without a fight.
I am trying to think if there is any country who was sucked into socialism but was able to get out of it, and I cant really think of any.... I feel pure dread when I think of it.