DC cops illegal raid on veteran's home.


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
The police arrested the veteran of the Iraq war and searched his house without a warrant, not to protect the public from a terrorist or stop a crime in progress, but to rouse a sleeping man the police thought might have an unregistered gun in his home.

Warrant? Don't need no stinking warrant. Constitution? What's that?

It seems the police thought Corregan was suicidal, so, to protect him from himself:

When the police wouldn’t accept Sgt. Corrigan’s word that he was fine, he was forced to leave his home and surrender. When he stepped outside, he faced assault teams with rifles pointed at his chest. He immediately dropped to his knees, with his hands over his head.

Seems the cops were interested in an unregistered gun as well:

Although police did not read Sgt. Corrigan his Miranda rights, they questioned him inside the tactical truck. They asked the Iraq veteran basic questions about his life from various angles to get him to admit to owning guns. He remained silent about his two handguns and one rifle, which he had not registered after moving into the city.
Suddenly a police commander jumped in the truck and demanded to know where Sgt. Corrigan put his house key. He refused.

They didn't want to bother with minor details like warrants and Miranda rights, so:

I’m not giving you the key. I’m not giving consent to enter my house,” Sgt. Corrigan recalled saying in an interview with me last week at D.C. Superior Court after the city dropped all 10 charges against him.
“Then the cop said to me, ‘I don’t have time to play this constitutional bullshit with you. We’re going to break your door in, and you’re going to have to pay for a new door.’”
“‘Looks like I’m buying a new door,’” Sgt. Corrigan responded. “He was riffed”

and they don't have time for "constitutional bullshit" either. I think we already knew that.

Once we start to allow the authorities to ignore civil rights, this is the sort of thing we should expect to happen.

Read the rest of the story here.
hope the NRA helps this kid out. just because you have no representation should not mean the Constitution can be so shamfully ignored.
hope the NRA helps this kid out. just because you have no representation should not mean the Constitution can be so shamfully ignored.
The NRA could get involved since an unregistered gun was the motivation. The ACLU could help, too, as this is a clear violation of Constitutional liberties.
The NRA could get involved since an unregistered gun was the motivation. The ACLU could help, too, as this is a clear violation of Constitutional liberties.

I would love to see the ACLU get involved, it IS right in their wheelhouse. The NRA is a natural for their agenda.