Dad arrested, strip-searched after daughter,4, draws pic of gun in school


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
Looks like the hysteria the anti-gun fanatics have been trying to whip up, is really taking root in Canada.

Now a man arriving at a public school to pick up his kids, has been arrested, cuffed, locked in a police car, taken to the station, and strip-searched. His wife was also instructed to report to the police, and their children taken to Family and Children's Services, after their four-year-old daughter drew a picture on a piece of paper, that she said was a gun.

Canada doesn't have a 2nd amendment.

It's an ominous hint about where our own country may be heading as leftist big-govt advocates try harder and harder to ignore ours, and whip up similar hysteria against safe, law-abiding gun owners.


Madness after girl, 4, draws gun pic at school

Published: 19 hours ago

A father has been arrested, strip-searched and hauled in for questioning – all because his four-year-old daughter drew a picture of a gun at school.

“I’m picking up my kids and then, next thing you know, I’m locked up,” Jessie Sansone, 26, told the Waterloo Region Record in Canada. “I was in shock. This is completely insane. My daughter drew a gun on a piece of paper at school.”

Sansone, a Kitchener resident, had arrived at Forest Hill public school to pick up his children when he was called to the principal’s office. Three police officers informed him he was being charged with possession of a firearm. Then he was escorted out of the school, handcuffed and locked in the back of a police car. Sansone was forced to undergo a full strip search.

Alison Scott, executive director of Family and Children’s Services, told the Record, “From a public safety point of view, any child drawing a picture of guns and saying there’s guns in a home would warrant some further conversation with the parents and child.”

When a teacher asked Neaveh (Sansone's daughter) who the man in the picture was, she purportedly said, “That’s my daddy’s. He uses it to shoot bad guys and monsters.”
“I just think they blew it out of proportion,” his wife said. “It was for absolutely nothing. They searched our house upside down and found nothing. They had the assumption he owned a firearm.”

She added, “The way everything happened was completely unnecessary, especially since we know the school very well. I don’t understand how they came to that conclusion from a four-year-old’s drawing.”

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)
Unless there is a whole different side to this story that isn't being told, this is a pretty insane reaction. But that's just like kids here being suspended for doing the same thing, while others get routinly abused by their teachers and nothing gets reported.

The world is upside down on it's head. Somewhere sanity and common sense flew out the window.
We are well on our way... The following happened here in the states back in 2007....

Student suspended for sketching gun

Parents angered by the suspension of their child for drawing a picture of a gun on an assignment paper are questioning the Chandler Unified School District's policies dealing with such incidents.

The Payne Junior High eighth-grader, along with another student, was suspended Monday for five days. Parents Paula and Ben Mosteller were able to get the suspension reduced to three after meeting with school officials.

The uproar over the drawing, which the student turned in with a school assignment, cuts to the question of what constitutes a "threat."

Earlier this month, Principal Karen Martin sent a letter home to parents about an unrelated incident involving a student having a gun, which police investigated and found to be false.

"I am also writing to ask you to continue discussions with your children about the seriousness of actions and words that others might consider a threat," Martin wrote.
Can you imagine the leftists' horror if the kid drew a picture of a CAR???

Cars, after all, have killed far more people in the U.S. than guns.

Talk about a "threat".....!!

Dad arrested, strip-searched after daughter,4, draws pic of gun in school​

Looks like the hysteria the anti-gun fanatics have been trying to whip up, is really taking root in Canada.

Now a man arriving at a public school to pick up his kids, has been arrested, cuffed, locked in a police car, taken to the station, and strip-searched. His wife was also instructed to report to the police, and their children taken to Family and Children's Services, after their four-year-old daughter drew a picture on a piece of paper, that she said was a gun.

Canada doesn't have a 2nd amendment.

It's an ominous hint about where our own country may be heading as leftist big-govt advocates try harder and harder to ignore ours, and whip up similar hysteria against safe, law-abiding gun owners.

