D.O.A. : The "Culture War"

Mr. Shaman

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
"In a farewell address to the staff of Focus on the Family, James Dobson conceded that evangelical conservatives had lost most of the recent so-called “culture war” battles. Attributing the right’s recent failures to the “internet” and the election of Bill Clinton, Dobson said, “Humanly speaking, we can say that we have lost.” He added that the nation is now absolutely awash in evil."

Oh well, get over it and get your non conservative friends to give ALL their points to Shaman. After it's over, see if it's appreciated. God knows 40 years of a free ride wasn't.
If Mr. Dobson would just accept the Word, he would realize that the path to victory is through surrender to Christ. He shouts Jesus, Jesus, while leading a very combative, antagonistic ministry.

Mr. dobson, along with many fellow conservative christian leaders, allowed their Churches to become tools of the republican party. Even though they had control of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of govt. for many years, all the republican party ever gave them for their efforts on their behalf was a bunch of platitudes and excuses.

Mr. Dobson et al, were led down the garden path. Satan is a perfect deceiver who can only be overcome through the power of God. The devices of the deceiver will never overcome the snares of the deceiver. They will only make him stronger.

Faith, Hope, and Charity!