
Well not all do, that’s where Mormons come in. Not only was God a man, you can be a God if you work the system correctly and tithe your ten percent to the temple and be sure to wear your magic panties you will get to have perpetual sex and your wife will perpetually birth spirit babies who will fill your planet like our God filled this one :)

Even though scripture says God is spirit and we must worship him in spirit and in truth some will say he is a man and when it says we are made in his image it means he has hand and ears exc.

my temple educated friend assures me this is poppycock. at a minimum, not ALL Mormans ascribe to that stuff. but like Christianity there are some who dream up some pretty whacky stuff and convince others its real. this is the flaw in trusting man over God.
my temple educated friend assures me this is poppycock. at a minimum, not ALL Mormans ascribe to that stuff. but like Christianity there are some who dream up some pretty whacky stuff and convince others its real. this is the flaw in trusting man over God.

I know many Mormons who have no idea of what the church teaches and I know others who are well schooled on it. I can say the same for Seventh Day Adventists and Catholics and well name the religion or denomination.

Here is something I found fast in a Google search. Most hard core Mormon’s know about this but not that many are hard core and only know the surface stuff–God_doctrine
I know many Mormons who have no idea of what the church teaches and I know others who are well schooled on it. I can say the same for Seventh Day Adventists and Catholics and well name the religion or denomination.

Here is something I found fast in a Google search. Most hard core Mormon’s know about this but not that many are hard core and only know the surface stuff–God_doctrine

to be expected. the difference is that when I say my friend is temple educated that means that he received extensive training in the LDS temple and not just any temple but the Salt Lake City one. thats about as authratative as it gets. he knows that such stuff is floated out there but that its not part of their teaching. on an interesting side note, his mom was one of few that was a proxy for baptism for the long dead. that is a real off kilter bit of LDS lore that is true. LDS is not overly interested in genealogy for no reason. they've been saving the souls of the dead for a long time and have done a boatload.
to be expected. the difference is that when I say my friend is temple educated that means that he received extensive training in the LDS temple and not just any temple but the Salt Lake City one. thats about as authratative as it gets. he knows that such stuff is floated out there but that its not part of their teaching. on an interesting side note, his mom was one of few that was a proxy for baptism for the long dead. that is a real off kilter bit of LDS lore that is true. LDS is not overly interested in genealogy for no reason. they've been saving the souls of the dead for a long time and have done a boatload.

When my grandfather died we gave his genealogy to the Mormon Church so they could proxy baptize everybody in it :)

The church did teach the man god theory for years but have not in a long while though the FLDS still does and some small groups of LDS still do. In your Temple Marriage you are asked to have a secret name for each other so you can find each other in the next life where you do create spirit babies. Though it is not taught as crudely as I just stated it, it is still taught. They still teach that Lucifer and Jesus are brothers just like the SDA and JW's teach that Michael the archangel is Jesus. Though most surface SDA have no idea what you are talking about when you point that out to them and are floored when they ask their pastor and he says yes its true.

Another thing different about the LDS church is though they say they believe in the trinity they really don’t, at least not in the same way that a Baptist or Pentecostal or catholic would believe in the trinity.
I know many Mormons who have no idea of what the church teaches and I know others who are well schooled on it. I can say the same for Seventh Day Adventists and Catholics and well name the religion or denomination.

Here is something I found fast in a Google search. Most hard core Mormon’s know about this but not that many are hard core and only know the surface stuff–God_doctrine

Mormons believe that god, the father was once a man, who lived a life just like any other man. He died, was resurrected, and obtained a perfect body in that resurrection. He, through unknown periods of time, gradually repented of all of his sins and became perfect. They believe that there is a heavenly mother, as well as a heavenly father, and that we are all the spirit children of the heavenly couple. They believe that, after we die, we will also be resurrected and will obtain perfect bodies. If we seek perfection, we, too, may become perfect over time and given the chance to create and populate our own worlds.

To me, that sounds much more attractive than sitting on a cloud and singing praises for eternity. We'd have a goal to work for.

Where do you see yourself in a million years?
Mormons believe that god, the father was once a man, who lived a life just like any other man. He died, was resurrected, and obtained a perfect body in that resurrection. He, through unknown periods of time, gradually repented of all of his sins and became perfect. They believe that there is a heavenly mother, as well as a heavenly father, and that we are all the spirit children of the heavenly couple. They believe that, after we die, we will also be resurrected and will obtain perfect bodies. If we seek perfection, we, too, may become perfect over time and given the chance to create and populate our own worlds.

To me, that sounds much more attractive than sitting on a cloud and singing praises for eternity. We'd have a goal to work for.

Where do you see yourself in a million years?

Agreed, that is what Mormon’s teach. Not sure why the person Dogowner knows didn't agree

Why do you think non Mormon’s think they will sit on a cloud singing praises for eternity? When my boyfriend died the pastor said he would be doing wheelies on his motorcycle in heaven. Ironic since he died in a motorcycle crash but I think that was odd the pastor would say that. Where do people get these ideas?

In a million years? I have no idea... I might still be waiting on resurrection day? If I am correct in my belief of a place with no pain and no suffering but people are good to each other and the lion truly lays down with the lamb then I cannot even imagine what that place would be like and I am too busy trying to get through this life to worry about it :)
Except that, as Pandora points out, the name of god actually meant gods in Hebrew.

Why would there be only one god? What else is there that is single?

and, if we're children of god, why wouldn't we grow up to be like our parents?

Which name are you speaking of? There is Elohim, Jehovah, El Shaddayi, and others. Which one are you referring to?
Which name are you speaking of? There is Elohim, Jehovah, El Shaddayi, and others. Which one are you referring to?

Elohim Every place in our OT that the word Elohim was written it now says GOD
Every place in our OT that the word LORD is used it originally said YHWH (The Tetragrammaton) over time the Tetragrammaton was pronounced Jehovah or Yahweh. Jehovah being the worst of the two translations but that is another story.

Elohim means GODs (plural) in Hebrew. I am not saying that this means there are GODS just saying if someone wants to make an argument that the scriptures hint to Gods in the plural it could be argued. Then all they would have to do is add the various vs. that make it sound like there are more than one God as in let us make man in our image (God speaking) Let us go down and confuse their language (again God speaking)
I am familiar with that doctrine. As they say.....that aint in the bible.

I think it is in the doctrine and covenants right along with the very important burning in your bosom, but its been a long time since I studied it, I am getting rusty.

When you have a belief like "the burning in your bosom" you don't need anything written in scripture because you can "feel" its truth.
Elohim Every place in our OT that the word Elohim was written it now says GOD
Every place in our OT that the word LORD is used it originally said YHWH (The Tetragrammaton) over time the Tetragrammaton was pronounced Jehovah or Yahweh. Jehovah being the worst of the two translations but that is another story.

Elohim means GODs (plural) in Hebrew. I am not saying that this means there are GODS just saying if someone wants to make an argument that the scriptures hint to Gods in the plural it could be argued. Then all they would have to do is add the various vs. that make it sound like there are more than one God as in let us make man in our image (God speaking) Let us go down and confuse their language (again God speaking)

Yet, Jews believe there is ONE GOD. Right? Therefore, you could argue that, but it would not be correct in my opinion.
Yet, Jews believe there is ONE GOD. Right? Therefore, you could argue that, but it would not be correct in my opinion.

Jews have a very good and interesting reason for the plural. It’s meant to be the masculine and feminine side of God :) I like that very much and agree with it. Christians tend to reason it with its plural showing proof of the trinity. I don't really agree with that but it is interesting.

My only point was that just about anything in scripture can be questioned if a person wanted to dig deep enough. I dug pretty darn deep, developed many questions then dug deeper and for the most part found satisfying answers :)

It’s too bad this forum doesn’t have more discussions on religion, I like that topic
Jews have a very good and interesting reason for the plural. It’s meant to be the masculine and feminine side of God :) I like that very much and agree with it. Christians tend to reason it with its plural showing proof of the trinity. I don't really agree with that but it is interesting.

My only point was that just about anything in scripture can be questioned if a person wanted to dig deep enough. I dug pretty darn deep, developed many questions then dug deeper and for the most part found satisfying answers :)

It’s too bad this forum doesn’t have more discussions on religion, I like that topic

Another theory is that some people think it means God and the angels, but angels don't create.
Agreed, that is what Mormon’s teach. Not sure why the person Dogowner knows didn't agree

Why do you think non Mormon’s think they will sit on a cloud singing praises for eternity? When my boyfriend died the pastor said he would be doing wheelies on his motorcycle in heaven. Ironic since he died in a motorcycle crash but I think that was odd the pastor would say that. Where do people get these ideas?

In a million years? I have no idea... I might still be waiting on resurrection day? If I am correct in my belief of a place with no pain and no suffering but people are good to each other and the lion truly lays down with the lamb then I cannot even imagine what that place would be like and I am too busy trying to get through this life to worry about it :)

That's my point: the doctrine of eternal progression satisfies the question of how we could live in a perfect world forever and not get bored. After a while, even doing perfect wheelies and never falling off of your motorcycle would get boring. A million years, or a billion of working toward a goal would never get old.
Another theory is that some people think it means God and the angels, but angels don't create.

That is the Jewish opinion with those two vs. I quotes about let us make man in our image and let us go down and confuse their language. I accept that too. I have never heard of the Elohim being plural having anything to do with angels before though.

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