CRUELEST "Two Words of Last 2000 Years":---- Spoken by Barack HUSSIEN OBAMA : "TRUST ME"--- His very strong LIE was told to his favorite VICTIMS, the "democrat politicial party"!
Purpose of this LIE! : To continue to fool these willing zombies into actually believing Obama is interested in HEALTH CARE FOR ALL!! lol,lol
His ONLY mission is to "TAKE COMPLETE CONTROL " over everyones Personal Life decisions by CONTROLLING THEIR HEALTH CARE!!!
WISE UP!!!! If he we actually interested in AMERICA ,he would be OUR PRESIDENT instead of OUR ENEMIES VOICE!!
LOOK around AMERICA have YOU ever seen it in such a COMPLETE MESS ??
WHY SO? Because WE have NO PRESIDENT!! ONE WAS ELECTED but FOUND TO BE SOOOO VERY INEPT!!! "TRUST ME" !! Two Words OBAMA just cannot FULFILL! Why do YOU think Obama has any Talent , Intelligence, or Knowledge that would allow HIM to CONTROL OUR HEALTH CARE NEEDS?
He has shown he CANNOT CREATE a JOB!! He is just a regular guy , spreading a LIE,and VERY AFRAID WE may ask WHY??
Purpose of this LIE! : To continue to fool these willing zombies into actually believing Obama is interested in HEALTH CARE FOR ALL!! lol,lol
His ONLY mission is to "TAKE COMPLETE CONTROL " over everyones Personal Life decisions by CONTROLLING THEIR HEALTH CARE!!!
WISE UP!!!! If he we actually interested in AMERICA ,he would be OUR PRESIDENT instead of OUR ENEMIES VOICE!!
LOOK around AMERICA have YOU ever seen it in such a COMPLETE MESS ??
WHY SO? Because WE have NO PRESIDENT!! ONE WAS ELECTED but FOUND TO BE SOOOO VERY INEPT!!! "TRUST ME" !! Two Words OBAMA just cannot FULFILL! Why do YOU think Obama has any Talent , Intelligence, or Knowledge that would allow HIM to CONTROL OUR HEALTH CARE NEEDS?
He has shown he CANNOT CREATE a JOB!! He is just a regular guy , spreading a LIE,and VERY AFRAID WE may ask WHY??