Crucial: Romney Must Ask--Was Ft. Hood "Workplace Violence" or Terrorism?

no, he must ask him if he has a plan for the next four years and if its not very different thats a problem as more of the same isn't working. its impotent because that IS his plan and Romney has been angling to this point in both debates.

hes painted BO in to a corner. and its an uncomfortable corner
no, he must ask him if he has a plan for the next four years and if its not very different thats a problem as more of the same isn't working. its impotent because that IS his plan and Romney has been angling to this point in both debates.

hes painted BO in to a corner. and its an uncomfortable corner

Both, really.
We have a large portion of the electorate that are as stupid as bricks.
Mitt Romney must ask Obama on Monday's Debate--
"Were the Ft. Hood Mass Murders 'Workplace Violence' or were they Terrorism?"
I think that is a great idea, I am sure he has thought of it already and obama is toast no matter what he replies. If he says no, he looks like a terrorist loving idiot (and he is) if he says yes then follow up question is why have you done nothing.
I think that is a great idea, I am sure he has thought of it already and obama is toast no matter what he replies. If he says no, he looks like a terrorist loving idiot (and he is) if he says yes then follow up question is why have you done nothing.

If they get into a debate about how Obama has denied islamic terrorism--
Ft. Hood--Libya--everywhere--
as you have described perfectly and spot-on--
o_O (n) OBAMA IS TOAST! (n) o_O
its old news far too many people will not even remember it.
stay focused on what win elections, the pocketbook.

The debate is on foreign relations. I doubt that the Ft. Hood thing will even come up. Should be some fireworks over Benghazi, and that whole mess in Libya, Egypt and Syria.
The debate is on foreign relations. I doubt that the Ft. Hood thing will even come up. Should be some fireworks over Benghazi, and that whole mess in Libya, Egypt and Syria.

If Romney does not attack on ANY subject--
Candy won't be there to shut him up--he will LOSE the election.
Simple as that.
Screw the "moderator" this--is a goddamn DEBATE!
If Romney does not attack on ANY subject--
Candy won't be there to shut him up--he will LOSE the election.
Simple as that.
Screw the "moderator" this--is a goddamn DEBATE!

its a joint press conference. Lincoln/Douglas may have been the last debate.

its best NOT to attack but box BO into difficult (impossible) to explain situations.
its a joint press conference. Lincoln/Douglas may have been the last debate.

its best NOT to attack but box BO into difficult (impossible) to explain situations.

He better attack--Obama is a sly and nefarious attacker and a dirty fighter--and a consummate and Professional LIAR--Romney better get with the program or he will get his ass kicked.
Just want my buddy to watch out for a sucker-punch. ;)
Obama will be desperate--he is a sinking ship.

Hopefully Romney is smarter than to get trapped by someone like Obama. Besides, I think Obama knows the foreign policy issue is not his strong suit.
Hopefully Romney is smarter than to get trapped by someone like Obama. Besides, I think Obama knows the foreign policy issue is not his strong suit.

Romney could unleash an intelligent fusillade against Obama and take that sucker out.
He is wise enough for that--and has the timing as well.
He knows where Obama is weak--and he is--after all--a salesman. :D
He better attack--Obama is a sly and nefarious attacker and a dirty fighter--and a consummate and Professional LIAR--Romney better get with the program or he will get his ass kicked.

yes Obama will feel the need to attack as shown in #2 which is the best reason for Mitt to not been seen in that light but rather counter with fact and a stable presence. the mushy middle, whose votes he needs, do not want a candidate who is crabby and unpresidential.

Mitt has the potential for getting a KO here but acting childish wont help.

make BO look like Biden. which reminds me, he was close to doing so last go with the fake smiles trying to look less furious than he was. Romney got way under his skin, it was hilarious.