Crowd Paid To Be At Convicted Felon trump's Rally


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2024
I saw a version of this video yesterday. The version I saw only showed people leaving.

This version shows why. They were paid to be there. That crowd wasn't convicted felon's supporters. They were PAID to be there.

Convicted felon trump has to pay people to go to this rallies.

And we find out today that despite the lie convicted felon trump claimed, there wasn't 20 thousand people at his rally in Vegas.

According to the parks department, the area he had his rally only held a maximum of 3k people. The area wasn't filled and most were leaving while trump was talking. They showed up for a few minutes then left.

I saw a version of this video yesterday. The version I saw only showed people leaving.

This version shows why. They were paid to be there. That crowd wasn't convicted felon's supporters. They were PAID to be there.

Convicted felon trump has to pay people to go to this rallies.

And we find out today that despite the lie convicted felon trump claimed, there wasn't 20 thousand people at his rally in Vegas.

According to the parks department, the area he had his rally only held a maximum of 3k people. The area wasn't filled and most were leaving while trump was talking. They showed up for a few minutes then left.

When he had that rally in the auto parts plant, it was proven by those there, he paid the crowd. They were unionists and the dickhead didn't know.

Btw. He only had it because it was so successful for Biden he wanted to counter his popularity. He now has a new business. Trump's rent a crowd.
When he had that rally in the auto parts plant, it was proven by those there, he paid the crowd. They were unionists and the dickhead didn't know.

Btw. He only had it because it was so successful for Biden he wanted to counter his popularity. He now has a new business. Trump's rent a crowd.

The convicted felon has made a total joke of our nation and democracy.

The fact that he still has to pay people to show up at his rallies added to the fact that women are super pissed off, I really don't see how convicted felon trump can win an honest election. Which is why he has to bribe people and cheat.