Croc Hunter dead to a stingray!

Not that this is relevant to the original thread anymore, but there is a point where using simpler and less words causes lack of precision. I refer to moral philosophy for a reason, and I use the semantic for the same reason, because people take things for granted because they think it's obvious. That's where we make mistakes. I reckon what the real problem is that I'm being too ambitious in my scope.

So really, is it me misunderstanding the obvious? Not anymore :D

If I simply said "let's engage in critical thinking" then I don't think we would have gotten anywhere. I'd maybe get a "what's your problem", a "what?" and a "whatever", and that'd be the end of that. THIS way, however...well okay, I'm just being manipulative now. But if I wasn't here in the belief that everybody should be open to examining their own beliefs, I wouldn't have even bothered coming here in the first place.

Back to you, Steve (unless somebody wants to keep this discussion going).
Brandon said he turned off the censor but for some reason my signature still says crap instead of shit.
Lol, good one.

For the record I'm pretty easy with the profanities/expletives, really. I'm not anally retentive like that, anyway.

Also (clutching at straws here) I believe that Steve is falling under the news radar now, so I'll just leave off the topic with a rest in peace.