Corpse of a Senate "lion" vs a lying President


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
Liberalism is all EMOTION and Radical liberalism is based on very radical EMOTION! So now we have the radical liberals trying to use the corpse of their Senator as bait to try and sell their" Health Care Citizen Control " bill which their own living , breathing , lying President has failed to do. How is this possible , here we have a group of liberals who control the STATE RUN MEDIA , A.B.C. , C.B.S , N.B.C., C.N.N. , N.P.R.,M.S.N.B.C. and N.P.R plus 90 % of the printed media, plus the Congress and the WHITE HOUSE and they cannot FOOL the informed public enough to fall for the LIES from our White House and these same LIES parroted over and over to our citizens . THEY have FAILED so far BUT now expect to CONVINCE the public to swallow their lies just because their "Senate "LION KING " has passed away after years of working to destroy our CONSTITUTION. I refuse to believe our citizens are so stupid to fall for this evil attempt . In addition to his lies about Health Care the late Senator Kennedy worked for years to pass the pro abortion legislation that in 1973 was passed due to his tireless efforts . So as of today we have heaped upon the evil momument to liberalism pile and pile of aborted fetus and unborn bodies of babies.When I think of the fruits of the works of Senator Teddy Kennedy in our Senate I think not of "health care " but instead of the cruelty he expressed time and time again , year in and year out , to the most innocent of life ,the unborn. I am not sad that he will never harm us from the Senate Floor again!
Liberalism is all EMOTION and Radical liberalism is based on very radical EMOTION! So now we have the radical liberals trying to use the corpse of their Senator as bait to try and sell their" Health Care Citizen Control " bill which their own living , breathing , lying President has failed to do. How is this possible , here we have a group of liberals who control the STATE RUN MEDIA , A.B.C. , C.B.S , N.B.C., C.N.N. , N.P.R.,M.S.N.B.C. and N.P.R plus 90 % of the printed media, plus the Congress and the WHITE HOUSE and they cannot FOOL the informed public enough to fall for the LIES from our White House and these same LIES parroted over and over to our citizens . THEY have FAILED so far BUT now expect to CONVINCE the public to swallow their lies just because their "Senate "LION KING " has passed away after years of working to destroy our CONSTITUTION. I refuse to believe our citizens are so stupid to fall for this evil attempt . In addition to his lies about Health Care the late Senator Kennedy worked for years to pass the pro abortion legislation that in 1973 was passed due to his tireless efforts . So as of today we have heaped upon the evil momument to liberalism pile and pile of aborted fetus and unborn bodies of babies.When I think of the fruits of the works of Senator Teddy Kennedy in our Senate I think not of "health care " but instead of the cruelty he expressed time and time again , year in and year out , to the most innocent of life ,the unborn. I am not sad that he will never harm us from the Senate Floor again!

"If ignorance goes to forty dollars a barrel, I want drilling rights to always's head." —
Anyone here remember the funeral of the odius Ronald Reagan - the war criminal responsible for the killing of thousands of teachers and doctors in Nicaragua ?

Comrade Stalin
Yes, I remember the "GREAT ONE , MR. REAGAN, He saved us from the Anti - American liberals . But they still haunt us today with their cries of STATISM . Thankfully we are rid of one from the PEOPLES REPUBLIC of MASS. but not before he wrote the legislation that murdered 50,000,000 innocent babies just since 1973 .And caused the death of MARY JO as he drove her over a bridge and then cowardly , a family trait , lleft her gasping for her breath and saved himself . Our Nation and indeed this world paid a very high price for his escape . Yet ,time does wound all heels and he now must feel the heat of the gates of hell. At LAST , AT LAST , Mary Jo can be at peace! and our Nation , while in grave danger , will not be harmed by his actions ever again!
Our Nation indeeds need another MR. RONALD REAGAN to replace the misery facing us today . Can AMERICA find a PERSON of PRINCIPLE in any Party? We must VOTE for PRINCIPLE and forget Party. In 2008 ,due to ignorance , we elected a "STRANGER to PRINCIPLES and AMERICA'S VALUES .Look at where we have fallen in just a few short months . THINK AMERICA !
Liberalism is all EMOTION and Radical liberalism is based on very radical EMOTION! So now we have the radical liberals trying to use the corpse of their Senator as bait to try and sell their" Health Care Citizen Control " bill which their own living , breathing , lying President has failed to do. How is this possible , here we have a group of liberals who control the STATE RUN MEDIA , A.B.C. , C.B.S , N.B.C., C.N.N. , N.P.R.,M.S.N.B.C. and N.P.R plus 90 % of the printed media, plus the Congress and the WHITE HOUSE and they cannot FOOL the informed public enough to fall for the LIES from our White House and these same LIES parroted over and over to our citizens . THEY have FAILED so far BUT now expect to CONVINCE the public to swallow their lies just because their "Senate "LION KING " has passed away after years of working to destroy our CONSTITUTION. I refuse to believe our citizens are so stupid to fall for this evil attempt . In addition to his lies about Health Care the late Senator Kennedy worked for years to pass the pro abortion legislation that in 1973 was passed due to his tireless efforts . So as of today we have heaped upon the evil momument to liberalism pile and pile of aborted fetus and unborn bodies of babies.When I think of the fruits of the works of Senator Teddy Kennedy in our Senate I think not of "health care " but instead of the cruelty he expressed time and time again , year in and year out , to the most innocent of life ,the unborn. I am not sad that he will never harm us from the Senate Floor again!

I see by your rhetoric and your use of all caps that you must be a liberal. All of that does show emotion, doesn't it?
How is this possible , here we have a group of liberals who control the STATE RUN MEDIA , A.B.C. , C.B.S , N.B.C., C.N.N. , N.P.R.,M.S.N.B.C. and N.P.R plus 90 % of the printed media....
....'Cause you say so, huh?

Gee....I'm really convinced.


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