is that what's behind all of the schisms in America? Is America, in fact "falling apart"?
Is America coming apart?
And on and on, from the deficit to the wars.
Are the "liberals", or the "right wingers", or whatever phrase is used to mean "anyone who disagrees with my rather narrow point of view" ruining the country?
Or is it contentious hype and partisanship on both sides?
What do you think?
Is America coming apart?
At issue: Should Barack Obama be allowed to address tens of millions of American children, inside their classrooms, during school hours?
Conservative talk-show hosts saw a White House
scheme to turn public schools into indoctrination centers where the socialist ideology of Obama would be spoon-fed to captive audiences of children forced to listen to Big Brother -- and then do assignments on his sermon.
The liberal commentariat raged about right-wing paranoia.
Yet Byron York of the Washington Examiner dug back to 1991 to discover that, when George H.W. Bush went to Alice Deal Junior High to speak to America's school kids, the left lost it.
"The White House turned a Northwest Washington junior high classroom into a television studio and its students into props," railed the Washington Post. Education Secretary Lamar Alexander was called before a House committee. The National Education Association denounced Bush. And Congress ordered the General Accounting Office
to investigate.
One half of America sees abortion as the annual slaughter of a million unborn. The other half regards the right-to-life movement as tyrannical and sexist.
Proponents of gay marriage see its adversaries as homophobic bigots. Opponents see its champions as seeking to elevate unnatural and immoral relationships to the sacred state of traditional marriage.
And on and on, from the deficit to the wars.
Are the "liberals", or the "right wingers", or whatever phrase is used to mean "anyone who disagrees with my rather narrow point of view" ruining the country?
Or is it contentious hype and partisanship on both sides?
What do you think?