Well folks here it is in a nut shell. Here's your choice.
You know how the Radical Right Wing is always screaming that the Dems don't support the troops enough? They spew that hateful misinformation all the time so I'm sure everyone has.
Well here you go. This is 100% documented in fact they just tonight did National TV news coverage of it. This Conservative preacher Fred Phelps is going to the funerals protesting our fallen soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan and organizing his church to come out in full signage protests.
Why... wait for it...
Because God is killing OUR AMERICAN SOLDIERS because of the gays in America.
Ultra Conservatives are going to the funerals of our US war dead & holding up signs saying... Thank God for IED's and Thank God for DEAD SOLDIERS. And of course they in an interesting spin of their warped reality they have along with those signs of our President Obama wearing Devil horns.
So that's it folks. That's the Radical Right. If you ever wondered why you were a Liberal or Progressive or Independent there it is. It's because the Radical Right is not only dangerous for America... they are completely mentally unhinged.
The parents of our fallen have been suing this Conservative "preacher" and winning huge judgments for his interference in their children's funerals but the Conservative Supreme Court has been letting him skate on free speech grounds. That points to why we need a much more Liberal Supreme Court but that's another issue.
The bottom line is we now know how much damage Conservatives are willing to do to our killed & wounded soldiers and their families.
God bless our fallen men & women in uniform and F-U you nut bag Phelps & your followers!
You know how the Radical Right Wing is always screaming that the Dems don't support the troops enough? They spew that hateful misinformation all the time so I'm sure everyone has.
Well here you go. This is 100% documented in fact they just tonight did National TV news coverage of it. This Conservative preacher Fred Phelps is going to the funerals protesting our fallen soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan and organizing his church to come out in full signage protests.
Why... wait for it...
Because God is killing OUR AMERICAN SOLDIERS because of the gays in America.

So that's it folks. That's the Radical Right. If you ever wondered why you were a Liberal or Progressive or Independent there it is. It's because the Radical Right is not only dangerous for America... they are completely mentally unhinged.
The parents of our fallen have been suing this Conservative "preacher" and winning huge judgments for his interference in their children's funerals but the Conservative Supreme Court has been letting him skate on free speech grounds. That points to why we need a much more Liberal Supreme Court but that's another issue.
The bottom line is we now know how much damage Conservatives are willing to do to our killed & wounded soldiers and their families.
God bless our fallen men & women in uniform and F-U you nut bag Phelps & your followers!