Congress Shocked! Corporations Using Tax Laws Created By Congress To Avoid Taxes


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
I have always been in awe that the oligarchy and Congress conspire to achieve tremendous tax advantages for corporate America.

Then Congress' acts shocked when people begin to say, "Hey! Corporations like GE aren't paying any income taxes at all."

Like it was some oversight or mystery. Well, except that Congress is responsible for all tax laws. The latest dog and pony show can be found here.

Btw, this is why we will never have tax reform. Because our owners don't want tax reform.
Government is too big, too powerful and are so far outside their constitutional responsibilities that it has become repressive.

We have so many laws on the books now, that they get in the way of each other with contradicting outcomes. This is not the way it should be. What to do?
Agreed...and this IRS scandal is nothing but a really laughable joke. Politicians have been using the IRS to attack their opponents since at least FDR. But what really is a joke is that many leftist Senators and BO are entirely responsible for this current scandal, yet they act like they had nothing to do with it and are working diligently to correct the problem...THEY CAUSED.

And the lapdog press goes to sleep.

Americans can't be so dumb as to fail to see this.
Umm dah thats what companies paid big bucks for...I mean donated lots of Free Speech for.

How is it that you can justify a newspaper (a corporation) essentially spending millions via their articles and editorial boards to push an agenda, but a company or a group of people cannot get together to spend equally?
How is it that you can justify a newspaper (a corporation) essentially spending millions via their articles and editorial boards to push an agenda, but a company or a group of people cannot get together to spend equally?

because they are a profession, a calling to serve something higher than a mere comercial entity.

oh wait up...

I forgot that they abandoned that higher calling crap a long time ago.


add to your list another corporation commonly referred to as unions.

the "big green"

How is it that you can justify a newspaper (a corporation) essentially spending millions via their articles and editorial boards to push an agenda, but a company or a group of people cannot get together to spend equally?

Because what they say is put out for all to read....what Companies pay for is done behind closed doors. If you have a idea...and I have a idea that is counter to yours...and I have a 10 Million dollars and you make 20,000 a you think your Opinion should matter less? Do you think I should get to go have a sit down dinner because I paid 10,000 a plate to sit with a senator and give my view...while you can send a Email and never have it read? Do you think thats good Democracy?
Because what they say is put out for all to read....what Companies pay for is done behind closed doors.

I guess I'm a little confused how someone will have all this influence on an election without putting anything in front of the voters.....

. If you have a idea...and I have a idea that is counter to yours...and I have a 10 Million dollars and you make 20,000 a you think your Opinion should matter less?

Your opinion would not matter any less....but that is totally irrelevant in how you get your message out. There is nothing stopping someone from accepting donations on either side to even the playing field. If people like your message, they will support you. If they don't, they won't.

Do you think I should get to go have a sit down dinner because I paid 10,000 a plate to sit with a senator and give my view...while you can send a Email and never have it read? Do you think thats good Democracy?

None of this at all addresses the underlying point that you are selectively supporting which corporations get to push their views. That aside, don't pretend those emails don't get read. They will all be coded based on their subject and if there is a flood on a certain subject, the issue will get discussed (and there will be lobby groups on both sides of it).