ASPCA - We had an economy under Regan and fantastic economic growth when he left office.
Hmmm...that odd what I remember are: record bank foreclosures/record bank closures, S & L scandals galore {ie, the bush boys making millions}, record farm foreclosures, Farm AIDE, record homeless, crude oil hitting the bottom for crude oil prices ever, industries closing, high unemployment, and a housing market that was horrible...President Regan, beating that 'Commie Cold War Drum to enable his special attention to those weapons/arms manufacturers for more budget allocations...but that's what I remember. Maybe you lived somewhere else???
Under Carter we had a crumbling excuse of one for 4 terrible years.
But he did make sure that he gave the peanut farmers a subsidy {even though they didn't need it...but they got it anyway}Carter, just taking care of the fellow peanut producers, brotherhood of peanut farmers and all} LOL
Under Obama there is no economy so far. No recovery at all!
Well, hell-bells...this worst years since the 'great depression didn't happen over night {and you are well aware of that} so after 8 years of fiscal neglect and SEC lack of keeping the rules/regulations as they are written, mega corporations relocating to foreign soil...yep all that happened in those 8 want 'MAGIC & Instant Gratification'???
The greedy got richer and the not quite so bright investors got taken for a ride, and nobody was watching the deep pockets of the cost for the we owe a communist country Billions plus interest...JEEZE LOUISE. I bet ole Ronnie is spinning in his grave. LMAO
You can hide your eyes under a sheet if you want, but it's like the Carter era, so far. But actually worse.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Obviously, you have missed all of the stats that make that statement sooo untrue...and you think that I'm hiding under a sheet...JEEZE LOUISE, I don't want to know where you've had your head/eyes/ears shoved...
House prices are sliding at a 20%/year rate nationwide now.
The real unemployment rate is > 30% in many democratic cities.
If National Healthcare passes, expect healthcare stocks
to tank and destroy whats left in 401Ks, etc. Then more jobs will
The housing industry is a roller coaster ride and always will be {much like the stock market} if land value/housing market is always up and going up then who gets to buy land/houses...the same with the stock market...if it's always up and continues to escalate then who can afford to invest and but those shares??? I don't have the finite details on how to cure the health care problems in America...but I do know that we all end up paying...good/bad/ugly of the total cost that is/has skyrocketed for the entire period of my brief time on earth!
We must do something...and fear will keep the solution from becoming a reality and we will all still be paying out the WAZOOO!
All the BO spending means those with jobs will have to pay higher taxes, just to to pay the interest.
The principal debt will not be paid back.
And you don't seem to mention anything about the TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT that G.W.B. and Inc. left us with during his reign of terror and contempt upon the good citizens of America??? But your ready to 'nay-say' each and everything that our current elected officials are attempting to accomplish...WOW. Such ramped negativity...I'm hopeful...but then I was when I voted for Dear Dum-Dum G.W.B. that 2nd time...and now I'm sadly disillusioned and disgusted with his name/advisers/2nd in command! But I'm very willing to give our current President the benefit of the doubt and the chance to work some of this all out!!!
Actually the American system is broken now at a point of no return. The jobs aren't coming back, how could they?
You think I exaggerate, but I don't have to.
It's called CHANGE!
Well, there you've given up and you don't why argue the finite details/solutions/style & techniques that our current President/staff/Congress are trying to resolve...YOU'VE ALREADY TOSSED IN THE TOWEL OF SURRENDER. You think this is tough, you think things are past fixing...oh, you man of little faith. That's just sad