

You cannot claim that this is unnatural because in nature there are many cases in nature of where males imitate females or actually change into females and vice versa.

It is a free country, people have the RIGHT to choose who and what they want to be.

Idiotic Shitshizpants wants to force people to conform to religious and societal norms. That is unnatural.
I'm not unaware of democrat and leftist gender issues.
Why are you so against what other people do with their lives?
It's not as if it's your business. Don't give me the shit you're saving them from hell because you hatred of them originates from your filthy religion.
Why do you do so etching about priests rooting little boys?
How about religious women still getting abortions? You're not so vocal about that you hypocrite.
But some guy transitions to another sex and you can't stop belching your god shit on them.
If you are so opposed to homosexual priests sexually abusing little boys then why are you so opposed to my opposition to leftist sexual perversions?
If you are so opposed to homosexual priests sexually abusing little boys then why are you so opposed to my opposition to leftist sexual perversions?
Firstly, where's the evidence it's a Democrat problem?
That's a cheap shot that failed.

Why o am opposed to both is one is a personal choice while yours is driven by religion and your hypocrisy.
Godbotherers and religion in general are aiding and abetting the crimes of religion. You are complicit because you failed to do anything yet complain about a trannie read stories to kids yet not one trannie has ever been convicted of mass scale sexual assault like your fucking stinking religious buddies.

It's all because you basically approve of it because you're frightened to blow the whistle or you won't get to heaven. It's arseholes like you who end up in your hell because you allowed the crimes to continue. If it wasn't religion doing it you would be screaming so etching be done. You fucking old hypocrite. You're a despicable wicked old tart.

Do you want to go on with this?
I oppose trannies using leftist rules to force their way into little girl shower rooms to satisfy their perverted lusts.
There's no leftist rules. You simply hate anyone who opposes your hideous religion.

Lusts??? Do you know how many kids were gathered by celibate priests? How many nuns line up for abortions? You know nothing.
its republicans who are demonstrating day in and day out that they think sex is the same as gender. they are so stupid.

her answer wasn't due to ignorance but wanting to avoid a political landmine, obviously.
Of course, that is precisely what she did and why.