CNN sank even lower today


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2008
The Cable Negro Network sank even lower today when Drew Griffin misquoted a story from the National Review.

Drew asking questions as if he was peter Griffin said to Sarah Palin that the "National Review had questioned her experience by saying that they didn't know if she was incompetent, stupid or all of the above

CNN: Yeah. Governor, you've been mocked in the press. The press has been pretty hard on you, the Democrats have been pretty hard on you, but also some conservatives have been pretty hard on you as well. The National Review had a story saying that, you know, I can't tell if Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt or all of the above.

Palin: Who wrote that one?

CNN: That was in the National Review, I don't, have the author.

Palin: I'd like to talk to that person.

But I guess treating a woman like that is ok....

The story with those adjectives is not true; Was Drew expressing his own feelings to Sarah Palin? This idiot was very condescending towards her throughout the whole interview....:mad
Here'show FOX calls the story:
What do you or Palin expect to happen? The lib media is what it is. Why would she go on it?

It's truly pathetic that we've come to the point where this type of treatment by ANYONE in the media presenting themselves as a bona fide journalist is expected. And you're right, it is.

It is so patently obvious that Drew Griffin, as well as Wolfman Blitzkrieg, never read the NRO piece by Byron York. Ignorant, disingenuous, down-right misleading, incompetent... Those are some of the words that can be accurately applied to so many in the MSM, and the CNN (for which my descriptive is Cannibalizing Narcissist's Network).

She went on because she wants to take every opportunity to get at least part of the message out there. I do have a liberal-leaning friend who saw this, asked me about it, I brought her up to speed, and she's now outraged. I simply gave her the dots for her to connect for herself.

They are getting away with this because right now there are so many people who are still not computer-literate, and have no idea where to start looking for facts. They might Google search, but not find the sources for true information amidst the blogs, forums, liberal websites, etc. that are out there blasting away, spewing their venomous lies. And since these people have so often had their thinking influenced, they don't listen to any alternative news/opinion sources.

So it's more important for her to get out there when she can, and trust that people like US are going to get the info out here, and spread it through our e-mails, etc. I'm sending this one out, too. I'll use the link to the CNN hatchet job, the FNS report on it with Kasich & the original piece itself. A few on my list won't pay any attention. A few will discard it. But several will review the info and send it on. That process will happen again with the people THEY send it to, and so on. You just never know how much influence these things can have...
Why would you call CNN by that name? I mean, you can claim they favor Obama in any number of ways...why the emphasis on "Negro?"

I don't have to give you any explanations. I think you already know the answer....
I think I know the answer all right, I had suspected as much awhile back. Interesting what people will reveal about themselves under the cover of anonymity.

You know, it's amazing how the press never says one negative thing about Biden. But they focus on what clothes Palin wears, or how many times she winks, or if she's wearing boots...

Last night CNN was starting to raise the issue that Palin has not released her medical records. Every day there's something negative.
And you wonder why her approval rating has dropped... C'mon! that is bull ****t...
I think I know the answer all right, I had suspected as much awhile back. Interesting what people will reveal about themselves under the cover of anonymity.
.....And, a nearly-complete Elementary School Education. :rolleyes:
It's truly pathetic that we've come to the point where this type of treatment by ANYONE in the media presenting themselves as a bona fide journalist is expected. And you're right, it is.

It is so patently obvious that Drew Griffin, as well as Wolfman Blitzkrieg, never read the NRO piece by Byron York. Ignorant, disingenuous, down-right misleading, incompetent... Those are some of the words that can be accurately applied to so many in the MSM, and the CNN (for which my descriptive is Cannibalizing Narcissist's Network).

She went on because she wants to take every opportunity to get at least part of the message out there. I do have a liberal-leaning friend who saw this, asked me about it, I brought her up to speed, and she's now outraged. I simply gave her the dots for her to connect for herself.

They are getting away with this because right now there are so many people who are still not computer-literate, and have no idea where to start looking for facts. They might Google search, but not find the sources for true information amidst the blogs, forums, liberal websites, etc. that are out there blasting away, spewing their venomous lies. And since these people have so often had their thinking influenced, they don't listen to any alternative news/opinion sources.

So it's more important for her to get out there when she can, and trust that people like US are going to get the info out here, and spread it through our e-mails, etc. I'm sending this one out, too. I'll use the link to the CNN hatchet job, the FNS report on it with Kasich & the original piece itself. A few on my list won't pay any attention. A few will discard it. But several will review the info and send it on. That process will happen again with the people THEY send it to, and so on. You just never know how much influence these things can have...

This underscores what I've already proposed - republicans and conservatives continuing to deal with the anachronistic lib media is just stupid. With the revolution in communication technology, they just aren't needed anymore. With the TOTAL collapse of any residual journalistic integrity of the lib media this campaign season, continuing to give them grist for their propaganda mill is irrational. Conservatives need to build up their own alternative media, including at least:

- Fox isn't enough - we need more cable news networks.
- Conservatives need to be prepared to fight the liberal assault on free speech with the expected ressurection of the "fairness rule".
- Conservatives need to create innovative solutions on the net to communicate with average people, and to fight the liberal defamation blogs.
- Conservatives need to create their own movie studio - there has to be something out there to fight the incessant liberal worldview pushed by Hollyweird.

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