Mexican 'spic motherfuckers would be pouring into my country for our rich welfare system if not for our horrid climate (to them, to me, I love it). Blacks come to Canada SPECIFICALLY for our generous welfare system, and for no other reason than that. They have ADMITTED it... ('why would I work when the guvmint done pay me mys money???') It is high time Canada started denying Blacks entry into Canada, and booting out many of those already admitted. More than 70% of them are criminals anyway. Time for them to go.
I should like to remind all that Toronto has its first Afro-centric school (that means BLACKS ONLY to you morons out there) thanks to the fucking liberals. Think about it. All those years of rioting in the streets so they could have fucking integration, only to demand to be segregated again. What a bunch of dumb fucks. The irony of it all is the fact the REAL reason they wanted their own schools was because they were simply TOO STUPID to graduate from our schools. They blamed racism for their failings (Blacks had the highest failure rate, the highest dropout rate), yet the chinks and pakis had no problems. Shit, many of those immigrant scum made the honour roll, even though they could not write English worth a damn. So, the dumb blacks here are suggesting people may only be racist against Blacks??? WTF? My motto is, 'if you don't like it here, get the fuck out of my country'. Quite simple, really.
but they DO like it. short trip from Motown or Chicago too.
toronto should go to french, might slow the exedus if there were a language barrier.
Leafs better step it up eh ?