Climate change and California fires

The modern age has given us both benefits and threats, of course. And 20 times better is a gross exaggeration, obviously based on idle speculation with zero proof.

Clowns like Trump that suck up to Big Oil and Big Pharma consistently have tried to PREVENT change for the better. They believe they NEED for there to be a poorly paid helpless lower class they can exploit.
The modern age has given us both benefits and threats, of course. And 20 times better is a gross exaggeration, obviously based on idle speculation with zero proof.

Clowns like Trump that suck up to Big Oil and Big Pharma consistently have tried to PREVENT change for the better. They believe they NEED for there to be a poorly paid helpless lower class they can exploit.

Make your case for how I'm wrong.

FYI Big Pharma is in bed with the democrats.
The biggest problem California has are incompetent, often corrupt, demo'rats in control as mayors, governors, firechiefs, asst firechiefs, etc.
By the way, I hear that there is some kind of fundraiser event for L.A. California called Fire Aid.
I musta missed the fundraiser for North Carolina called FLOOD AID.
yeah. totally.