Civilian National Security?

More doom and gloom stuf from the moonbats. I suppose the Republicans are really scared about the possibility of actually having to serve our nation. They're much more accustomed to having someone else do the heavy lifting. Military service, the prospect of real military service, sends these cowards into a panic.

Quite amusing to watch these wingnuts draw abusurd conclusions, then rail away against their own predicitions.
More doom and gloom stuf from the moonbats. I suppose the Republicans are really scared about the possibility of actually having to serve our nation. They're much more accustomed to having someone else do the heavy lifting. Military service, the prospect of real military service, sends these cowards into a panic.

Quite amusing to watch these wingnuts draw abusurd conclusions, then rail away against their own predicitions.

What is it with this whole "republicans do not want to serve the country" garbage we keep hearing?

Seems to me the military votes Republican the majority of the time, maybe that will tell you something about those who are serving in it.
More doom and gloom stuf from the moonbats. I suppose the Republicans are really scared about the possibility of actually having to serve our nation. They're much more accustomed to having someone else do the heavy lifting. Military service, the prospect of real military service, sends these cowards into a panic.

Quite amusing to watch these wingnuts draw abusurd conclusions, then rail away against their own predicitions.

I am all for serving our country, but I am all against being a part of obamas personal Civilian National Security.

it is not the same thing, serving our Country and serving obama means two very differnt things
Of course you consider that two separate things. No surprise there. You most likely weren't of that opinion when Bush came in to office. You were probably part of the crowd that wanted to claim his critics were anti-American, traitors or worse. You're proving your loyalty isn't to our country, but to your distorted views and your political party.
Of course you consider that two separate things. No surprise there. You most likely weren't of that opinion when Bush came in to office. You were probably part of the crowd that wanted to claim his critics were anti-American, traitors or worse. You're proving your loyalty isn't to our country, but to your distorted views and your political party.

Ok I may or may not be totally lost here, are you saying that I have to want to be a part of Obama's Civilian National Security or other wise I do not love my country? and If I am against the idea of a private Civilian National Security that is on the same level as the real military then I am some how just caring about republicans?

and are you saying that bush supporters were equal to this obama plan of Civilian National Security

can you explain to me what you mean?
Attempting to tell someone "what they are or aren't" makes you look really lame and stupid. Why don't you ask what a poster believes in? Most on here will gladly tell you.

If this is your attempt at a put down, you failed.

According to the way most of the military vote, they are the cowards you are referring to. You know, the ones over on foreign soil shedding their blood? Yeah, those ones.
I think what it boils down to is this

What did obama mean when he said the following

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded,”
I think what it boils down to is this

What did obama mean when he said the following

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded,”

This mean we are de facto doubling the military budget in the United States? Anyone want to point how we will pay for that?

Or does it mean we will now have two big military like groups that are half as good as what we had before?
This mean we are de facto doubling the military budget in the United States? Anyone want to point how we will pay for that?

Or does it mean we will now have two big military like groups that are half as good as what we had before?

I think it means he guts the real military to give money to his personal civilian military.

That would fix the well funded.

I still am not sure how he would get them as strong and as powerful. Create new laws making those who join have special rights to over see others who did not join? The last two parts I am confused by but funding it is easy, gut the real program and give that funding to his new creation