Cindy McCain lies about her family history

what you seem to be saying is that the more trivial crap is used against McCain.......the more you feel you need to defend him.

No not really

See I hate obama and there is nothing that could ever make me like him or want to vote for him. McCain I really dont like that much either but I would rather him than Obama. But i dont want to have to vote for him, id rather he won and I could vote third party and not get involved.

but the more Obama does stupid crap like this, the more I am reminded about his horrid past, the more I want to vote against him in a way that really counts.

If I didnt keep getting reminded of his seedy side, I could be content to vote for Bob Barr and go on with my life, but the more I am reminded of "what" he really is, the stronger I feel to vote against him rather than for a 3d party
Well you post so you must be able to read:)... just not his book I guess. He said he experimented with drugs in college. He's been out of college for what... 25 years now.

And even back then as a young student he certainly wasn't a millionaire that STOLE CHARITY MONEY to buy them for Christ sake! Come on buddy you know that's pretty bad... you know it.

He's a Good Christian Family Man that was not present at the really radical rants of a preacher that he had absolutely no control over regardless. When the "preacher" continued to play to the press that's when Senator Obama said enough and moved to another Christian Church.

Well his voting record sure doesn't look like Bush the destroyer of all things economic or sovereign. That would be John McSame. Voted with George Bush policy 95% of the time. Which is most likely to be Bush like?

Well OK but I'm not staying up all night...

Larry Graig

Mark Foley

Ted Haggard

Larry Vitter

Rudy Guiliani

John McCain

Obama said he had quit smoking too... He lied.

and as for the hypocrisy... I think I'd have a heart attack if you EVER admitted to your precious leftist thugs who are just as corrupt and useless as those on the right... But no... you close your eyes to THEIR behavior or excuse it.

You preach big words about no longer slinging mud from the gutter... while standing in the gutter slinging mud. More of the same, more of the same, so much for Obama and his supporters wanting Change.