While I applaude your word wrangling there (seriously kudos on that one) I suppose the clarity of what I meant suffered a bit. You are entirely correct, let me say. That is supposing that the Oppurtunity is what MAKES america, but alas it is not. America is made up of a large network of diverse ideals, laws, people, technology, opportunity, and politics. You cannot choose to take only the core of what THEY view as america and use that in such a manner to make a statement that it is in fact america. IF all america truly was, was opportunity, the world would be a lot quieter than it is. We are much more than those opportunities, the world is not quiet, and we have our finger on the Puree button. It's the former they love and the latter they usually hate. If your reason was to stand true, let me use a small metaphor. There are many fans of WWE wrestling (not I) many fans of Chris Benoit. These fans loved him. However in stating this, we're not also saying they loved him murdering his family and committing suicide. They can just as much hate that as they loved his, well whatever you call the soap operatic wrestling stuff.