Sorry, but you're just setting up a lot of straw men here. I don't "hate" Christians, and certainly don't want to interfere in any way with their religious freedom. I hate their narrow-mindedness,intolerance,self-righteousness and ignorance. The evangelical Christians who are so homophobic and hold these irrational religious beliefs.
No, these Christians aren't violent like the most fanatical Muslim extremist terrorists. But let's face it; if they got their way , homosexuals in America would definitley lose civil rights , and non-evangelical Christians would be second-class citizens. America would NOT be a free place at all. it would be a theocracy .
I'm not anti-christian; I'm anti-theocracy, or anything which brings America closer to it. I have no problem with Christians who keep their religion to themselves and live and let live, and don't try to interfere with the rights of other people and impose their religious dogma on others.
America is now a very religiously diverse nation, more diverse than the founding fathers could ever have imagined. In addition to Christians of all different denominations, there are millions of Jews,Muslims, Hindus,Buddhists, and many other faiths, as well as millions of atheists and agnostics? What about THEIR rights? There are now more atheists in America than there were people a tthe time of of our founding as a nation .
I have no problem with Christians who are sane,rational and tolerant people. But unfortunately, there don't seem to be very many of them left in America. Myself, I'm a non-observant, secular Jew, but not an atheist. America is a "Christian" nation only in the sense that the majority of Americans happen to be Christian. We must preserve religious freedom for all non-christians. As well as freedom FROM religion for those who happen to be atheists and agnostics. If we are not careful, Christian religious extremists in America will get too much power and the power to influence the government to make unjust and repressive laws which would infringe upon th e rights of non-christians.
If I do dislike SOME Christians, it's not because they are Christians, but because they are appallingly nasty and intolerant people who want to impose their rigid and twisted moral standards on the rest of America.
Peoiple have the right ot believe whatever they want. They can believe that the moon is made of green cheese if they want or that the earth is dupported by a giant turtle if they choose to. They cna believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy if they want to. ut they have absolutley no right to impose their beliefs on others . The founding fathers would agree with me about this wholeheartedly .