Prison has a deterrent effect but some people are pretty stupid and will take their chances no matter how severe the punishment. Longer terms will just cost more and caning will just be cruel.
Funny how past successful practices, are now considered cruel. To me, what's cruel, is having such a wimpy penal system that criminals repeatedly commit the same crimes over and over on the law abiding population.
Cruel is the 3rd woman to be raped by someone who has already been convicted of rape twice.
People need to be productive members of society. If they are sitting in a prison cell, even if they are earning a GED, they are not being productive.
They need to be working hard while in prison. Hard work. Not a work "program" but actual work. It needs to be productive work. They need to repay their victims five fold. They need to be forced to work so hard that they will never doubt that they are capable of being very very productive.
A forced labor camp. I could almost go for that except there are a few problems.
First, labor from inmates is rarely the high quality that consumers expect.
Second, what useful products can be produced in a prison? We can't have the chain gangs of old because they are too risky. Too many escapees. This limits what can be produced to what is doable in a prison environment. No corporation is going to setup an assembly line with expensive equipment, so a bunch of convicts can play with it.
Third, since most prison inmates have committed violent crimes, I don't see that cranking out a few license plates, makes up for that. The punishment should fit the crime. Since the crime was violent and harmful, so should the punishment. Making them work off a few $1,000, or even $10,000 in labor hours as punishment for rape, would be extreme injustice in my opinion.
Prisons can be self-supporting so that no tax funds are used to operate them. Victims can be re-payed. Prisoners can know that they are capable of working to earn a living. And they can leave prison with a real confidence in the power of work and a real skill.
You seem to forget the prior post. More than 1 in 10 prison inmates that go through the GED program in prison, end up committing the same crimes again, and back into prison.
You can give them all the self-confidence in the world, and they'll just be more confident at committing crimes. I for one, would be more happy knowing my tax money was going to the effort of beating the hell out of criminals, than going to pay for their GED just so they can get out and terrorize the public again with criminal acts.
I am a bit tired of the spineless American wimpyness that has invaded our culture.
How did we end up so pathetic? What happen to bad people who do evil acts, should be punished? What happened to John Wyne and stopping murderers and rapist? How did we get to the point that we think it's our duty as law abiding citizens, to reward those who break laws, with a free education and work experience?
I'm more than happy to help those who come to me in need. If someone is hurting and needs help, I help any way that I can. But how did this idea come about, that simply because some guys broke into my home, and stole $1500 worth of computers and equipment, means I should then pay for their GED and work training out of my hard earned income check?