Chick-Fil-A--Watch Liberals Try To Utterly Destroy Anyone Who Disagrees

thats how the theaters pay the bills but I suppose if you shutter the theaters you put the hurts on the industry.

Theaters--as we knew them--will become boutiques soon.
They are in enormously smaller numbers now than in the 1930-40's and have been declining ever since the dawn of TV.
First-run streaming movies at some usurious price will be knocking on the door soon to your 80-inch flat-screen TV.
Back to the topic for a minute--
I guess straight people will be HEARTBROKEN gay folks will shun the Chick and they won't get to see then smooch.
Never been there myself--but I'll find one and go.
The gay-folk want to outrage the public by having a spit-swap at Chick-Fil-A.
It is their way of TELLING you that you MUST approve of them in every way or they will try to destroy you.

Not unlike the drag queens in San Francisco who sought acceptance by the public by bursting into Catholic churches and throwing photos of naked men screwing into all the pews and among the parishoners during Mass. Really clever.
What will be the real result?
A MASSIVE and HUGE response by the majority of straight people--
the ones who hire and fire and can act in a way to discriminate--without legal backlash--will do so. Quietly.
Pass up on that guy or gal who "seems" gay and hire the one who "seems" straight.

Why would anyone invite that kind of trouble--never-ending trouble--into your business.
That, is the result of trying to rub someone's face in anything.
It is bullying--and it is stupid.
So are they.
Rahm said that Chic-Fil-A weren't welcome in Chicago and that they didn't share Chicago's values.

Considering the mass murdering going on there every weekend, and Rahm has invited the very anti-semitic Black Panthers to help him.

Gee, just what are Chicago's values? A Christian company who employs thousands aren't welcome there, but gang murderers and the new Black Panthers do have Chicago's values.