Changing America to make the world happy is Not an option!

wait a sec.. did i just catch something here that so few american's can seem to catch on to ? LETS CHECK!!!!
Posted by top gun: And no we weren't hated under President Clinton. Terrorist hated the United States and the West... that's what terrorist do.
wow.. so terrorists.. were .. born terrorists ?!?!?! causes.. thats just what they do with no reasoning to why or motive or direction? just KILL KILL KILL ?!?!?!
OMG whats that directly under that?
Posted By The Scotsman: Don't forget that for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action thus you have to be aware that as a Nation your actions be they military, diplomatic, industrial or social you will have an effect on others in distant countries. IMHO they have a perfect right to demonstrate or vocalise any dissatisfaction in the US and its' actions that may impact upon them...
what a startling idea... that maybe.. we caused the hate around the world towards us..

or maybe they just do hate us for nothing more then our freedoms.*sigh*
Sooo... with that reasoning.. could it not be said that if terrorists just DO whatever there gonna DO without rhyme or reason.. then .. should'nt we not give a damn about what they think? since they are just PREprogrammed? Or maybe.. just maybe.. cause and effect applies here and an open ear should be given to the reasons WHY .. hence we listen just a little bit...

however.. if your not a terrorist... stop pushing your crap policies upon our system of government .. cause yeah have just as many skeletons... Hooorahh Obamanation :)

I still believe we should just conquer the world and stop the foreplay!!!!
RON PAUL for president of the world 2012 !!!! j/k
Glad I am not alone in my thinking. I wish some other Americans could realize that you could no more sit down and reason with Hitler than you can with Osama Ben Laden. If we act as weak as the left wants us to act, those types of people will strike.

And we cant live in fear that what we do bothers them. Last year some weird terrorist group said they wanted to cut britney spears and Madonna's heads off because of how they acted ( non pure ) They want our women to act like their women, but that will not happen and what is funny is the left wing women are the kind of women they hate most, but those are the women who will defend them.

i swear it has to be the kool aid
And we cant live in fear that what we do bothers them.

Seems that unfortunately, the US lives in fear of anyone the gov't makes into the enemy du jour.

but you are right. Terrorism and autocratic leaders are very successful using the fear tactic. Yet , one cannot yeild to that fear or one will be a victim of his own fear always.

The US cannot totally eliminate terrorism. It has been a fact of life since mankind learned about starting fires. The methods are the only thing that have changed.

Seems that the topic itself is a tad silly. Don't think anyone is saying that the US should change to make the world happy. The world needs to accept the US for what it is too. But the US has to become a lot more tolerant and diplomatic too. Seems the US expects ,if not DEMANDS that others change to fit some model the US has in mind.

the reality is that the US has a LOT of soul searching to do. IF it wants to continue being a world problem. But it might want to re evaluate HOW it is doing the job and can the job be done more constructively and diplomatically.

On the other can go on , on the path it is on. For the record: I personally do NOT believe those that say, they don't care what the world thinks of them and their US. All the negativity that exists today and it is a LOT ..against the US must hurt and hurt a lot. One cannot keep deluding themselves that they are the "best" ( whatever that means) when feedback about them is so negative. Major contradiction there.

those types of people will strike.
so BE AFRAID. Very afraid. and get used to the idea of living that way, unless the US is prepared to do some serious soul searching and adapting its methods in its dealings with the world.

But the US is hell bent to increase its sphere of influence on the planet , and does not care how many have to die in order to achieve this. It is not enough that the US has military presence in just about every nation now.

It is NOT about hating a piece of land that is named US of A. It is about the destructive nature its G and population have become.

What most fail to see, is that the so called terrorists have won every round. Each time you take the shoes off at the is another win for terrorism. (for eg)
. stop pushing your crap policies upon our system of government

THERE it is , in a nutshell. The US does not want anyone interfering with them , their "g', and yet goes around interfering everywhere on the planet. and now has included INVASION/ OCCUPATION as a tactic in order to have its way. Bully?? that is an understatement.

Seems you don't like the taste of your own medicine, do you. Gosh, the hypocrisy is beyond belief. As is the arrogance.

I still believe we should just conquer the world and stop the foreplay!!!!

Isn't THAT exactly what the US is trying to do ?? Too bad for the US that many on this planet do NOT WANT to be conquered by the US. What is the US going to do?? Bomb the crap out of each nation it wants to conquer?? Or maybe just juke them. Would the US be happy then..... as it sits a top of the world surrounded by the destruction its bombs caused and the bodies of all the humanity it slaughtered. The US has used nukes , it is the ONLYnation that has done so........and it would do so again in a heart beat if there would not be an outcry loud enough to be heard on Pluto.
THERE it is , in a nutshell. The US does not want anyone interfering with them , their "g', and yet goes around interfering everywhere on the planet. and now has included INVASION/ OCCUPATION as a tactic in order to have its way. Bully?? that is an understatement.

Seems you don't like the taste of your own medicine, do you. Gosh, the hypocrisy is beyond belief. As is the arrogance.

Morons from socialist countries telling us that we need to become socialists like them and have thier failing health care is the kind of crud we dont want advice on.

IF we were taking kineys from our prisoners I would hope people of the world would tell us to knock it off.

If our president were gassing whole sections of people in our country or canada I would hope the world woud step in

If we were doing any one of the horrible things being done all over the world THAT IS BEING IGNORED I would hope someone would stand up to us.

The kind of crap the anti Americans are complaining about while they totally ignore the real horrors of the planet are pathetic.

I dont think any of these socialist countries has the B@!!$ to stand up to real terrorism, they shake in their tiny boots. that is why they spend all of thier time attacking us, because they know we will just shake our heads at their stupidity, and real terrorists will do to them what happened to the artist who dared to say Muslim men shouldnt beat their women. Socialist nations cower to terrorists thinking some how the terrorists will leave them alone if they do, but they wont. and history has proven it so why on earth would we want to become like them.
IF we were taking kineys from our prisoners I would hope people of the world would tell us to knock it off.

If our president were gassing whole sections of people in our country or canada I would hope the world woud step in

If we were doing any one of the horrible things being done all over the world THAT IS BEING IGNORED I would hope someone would stand up to us.

IF the US was doing all /any of those things...... then it has been living a lie about that "high moral and ethical standard."

Why do you compare the US to the most dreadful of acts?? Is it because the world has seen that the US is NOT the moral example it claims to be. Its crimes are on a different level........but they are crimes just the same. Does anyone KNOW what goes on in the US "secret prisons"??? Why are they secret when the US claims to be transparent in its activities. ( ah, lets not get into the "security " thing as that has become an excuse for all kinds of behavior now.

What is also a farce. The US brags about its "freedoms". Yet otoh admits to be willing to surrender some of its freedoms for security. Ok , Fair enough.......and maybe they are entitled to feel that way and it is certainly their choice. but you can't have it both ways. and it just makes a liar out of them.

IF the US was doing all /any of those things...... then it has been living a lie about that "high moral and ethical standard."

Why do you compare the US to the most dreadful of acts?? Is it because the world has seen that the US is NOT the moral example it claims to be. Its crimes are on a different level........but they are crimes just the same. Does anyone KNOW what goes on in the US "secret prisons"??? Why are they secret when the US claims to be transparent in its activities. ( ah, lets not get into the "security " thing as that has become an excuse for all kinds of behavior now.

What is also a farce. The US brags about its "freedoms". Yet otoh admit to be willing to surrender some of its freedoms for security. Ok , Fair enough....... but you can't have it both ways. and it just makes a liar out of them.


There is a thread on the forum that i started asking anyone to tell me what freedoms the governent has taken from us, and for each one they can name i can name two the lilbs have taken from us. find the post and go at it if you think you can name any freedom we claim to have that we dont, my god we have the freedom to tear our children apart limb by limb. If another country should be attacking our moral charactor, it should be on that issue.

What secret prisons are you talking about? I know of none, but i guess thats because they are a secret huh :)

If you are so concerned with crimes why are you wasting your time bashing my country, why dont you go to china where the crimes are horrific, or the middle east PICK YOUR COUNTRY there, go attack them. when you solve the big problems and the problems in what ever land your living in, then come tell us about it
I dont think any of these socialist countries has the B@!!$ to stand up to real terrorism,

WHAT is it to YOU??? ( the US) . Just be sure the US is handling the terrorist problem in the most effective way possible. ......and without creating more problems along the way ..

You don't want the US criticized , yet bash any nation you want for the most pety of reasons. At least the criticism of the US is founded on observable US behavior. And instead of just knee jerk reacting , it might be very smart to listen to the critique closely before getting defensive. The US cannot be a powerful presence on the world stage and then NOT be able to handle criticism effectively , and constructively. The more defensive the US gets , the more immature it looks.
WHAT is it to YOU??? ( the US) . Just be sure the US is handling the terrorist problem in the most effective way possible. ......and without creating more problems along the way ..

You don't want the US criticized , yet bash any nation you want for the most pety of reasons. At least the criticism of the US is founded on observable US behavior. And instead of just knee jerk reacting , it might be very smart to listen to the critique closely before getting defensive. The US cannot be a powerful presence on the world stage and then NOT be able to handle criticism effectively , and constructively. The more defensive the US gets , the more immature it looks.

Your petty complaints about America are silly in comparison to the problems around the world

its very hard to take you seriously
my god we have the freedom to tear our children apart limb by limb.
is that a "freedom??" and one to be proud of?? I hear it is against the law.

You mean you are not aware of the US "secret" prisons in europe??? Well, not so secret , but certainly not something that is made public via the MSM. That is where , some category of "persons of interest" are sent for US style "interrogation". I can't recall off hand, which nations agreed to have these on their territory.
its very hard to take you seriously

so DON'T. IF you are trying to be won't work. ;) Makes no never mind to YT.

comparison to the problems around the world

But it is the US that holds itself to a higher standard and is being "judged" on the basis of that higher standard that it claims to have. The US claims to be in a league of its own. the world problems cannot be used for comparison.
is that a "freedom??" and one to be proud of?? I hear it is against the law.

You mean you are not aware of the US "secret" prisons in europe??? Well, not so secret , but certainly not something that is made public via the MSM. That is where , some category of "persons of interest" are sent for US style "interrogation". I can't recall off hand, which nations agreed to have these on their territory.

No nothing to be proud of, many of us try to stop it. you can kill your kids for any reason up until the head comes out. even in the 9th month when they could easily survive on their own. that is the worst thing our country does and I would love to see it stopped and i would have zero problem with your complaining about it. that is inocent life being taken for no good reason.

i could even listen to complaints about how we put some prisoners to death, I dont agree with it, but even that I would have a hard time taking you seriously if you were complaining about that while prisoners are having thier kidneys cut out of them in china.

I dont have a problem when people of the world want a nicer world and want to stop bad things from happening, but i seriously have to laugh when you start here rather than some other country doing horrific things. my god man have you read about what is happening in Tibet?
Good post.!! I fully realize the horrors on the planet. ( well, maybe not it is hard to keep up with all the events , even in this information age ;)

The two US wars changed everything and presented a side of the US , i had not seen before............or had not wanted to see. Then add the Torture , and other issues ...and suddenly the US is NOT that shining example to the world anymore. My own illusions were also shattered. The more I thought about it, the more I REALLY examined how the US handles itself on the world..... the more disappointed and yes angry too. (not to foget embarrassed)

the most recent example is the Geogia issue. Georgia does the provocative that way, yet the US sides with it , spinning the "bear" into being the aggressor when it was acting defensively. ( a lot more than what the US was doing in Iraq as that was an elective "pre-emptive " invasion oh , the language and the spin.:mad::mad:) OTOH......both Georgia and the bush US are instigators, military wise.

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