Well-Known Member
I don't think you really mean that do you![]()
Let me re-word this, because no I did not mean it exactly how it came out.
I think people from other countries should worry about the problems in their own countries before they stick their nose in our business. If its something we are doing that directly affects them, then that could be different. If we are smuggling cocaine into their country and getting their children addicted to drugs, they would have a right to protest our corrupt police departments and what ever else they have to do to keep their children safe, or if we were human trafficking their children, they sure would have a right to complain and loudly.
Before people from other countries attack us on moral issues, they need to go attack the countries that have "real" moral issues. Attack human trafficking, attack slave labor, cutting kidneys from prisoners, all those things are happening but they are not happening here.
If a person agrees or disagrees with the war in Iraq I would hope they have enough brain cells to see the difference in what is happening in Iraq and what is happening and has been happening in Tibet for years. If a person really hates "invaders” then they should get their freaking butts over to China and protest what they have been doing in Tibet for more years than I can remember.
Constructive criticism is good. You are such a nice person and I think a very fair person. I would not take anything you said as insulting or hypocritical. You are also easily the most respectful person on this forum. So I didn’t mean it like it came out. I know you are not American but I value your opinion on America, I just don’t value the opinion of people who are only filled with hate and blame and can not see any point of view except America is the problem.